Antebellum 1
Antebellum 2
Antebellum 3
Antebellum 4
Antebellum 5

A series of laws enacted in 1820 to maintain the balance of power between slave states and free states, it admitted Missouri in to the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state.

What is the Missouri Compromise? 


Cooking, Cleaning and raising the owners children were all jobs of this people group.

Who are slaves?


This increased the cost of manufactured goods from the North

What is a tariff?


This term means the legal theory that a state has the right to invalidate any federal law which that state has deemed unconstitutional?

What is nullification?


This area became part of the US after the treaty that ended the Mexican-American War

What are California and other parts of the Southwest?


True or False: Most slave owners became more determined to hold onto their slaves

What is True.


Works slowdowns, breaking the owner's things, and fake illnesses were action's taken by slaves in

What is protest?


This term means the belief that it was the destiny of the United States to rule an empire from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean?

What is manifest Destiny


True or False: Most South Carolinians lived on subsistence farms and owned no slaves

What is true?


The doctrine that the people of a territory should be free from federal interference in determining their own domestic policy (i.e. deciding whether or not to allow slavery).

What is Popular Sovereignty?


A large farm or estate on which cash crops are cultivated by slave labor.

What is a plantation?


During the Antebellum Era, what did the economy, political philosophy, and society of South Carolina rely on?

What is slavery?


This region of South Carolina saw the largest increase in slavery due to cotton becoming a cash crop

What is the upcountry?


This term means the legal ending of slavery

What is Abolition?


Loyalty to the interests of one's own region or section of the country, rather than to the country as a whole.

What is Sectionalism?


The withdrawal of eleven southern states from the Union in 1860 leading to the Civil War.

What is secession?


What did SC do after the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860?

What is secede from the union?


This person invented the cotton gin

Who is Eli Whitney?


This was the outcome of the Dredd Scott Case?

What is the supreme court declared that slaves had not rights at all?


This term means - before the war – in American history it refers to the time before the Civil War (1820-1860)


What is Antebellum?


 This Law that allowed the capture and return of escaped slaves

What is the fugitive slave law?


This stopped abolitionist activities in South Carolina?

What is the Denmark Vesey Plot


This law repealed the 36 30' line of the Missouri Compromise and allowed settlers in the Nebraska Territory to decide if their state would be a free state or a slave state?

What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?


He led a raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia in 1859 in a failed attempt to start a slave revolt?

Who is John Brown?


This law was actually a package of five separate bills passed by Congress in September 1850, which ended a four-year political confrontation between slave and free states regarding the status of territories gained during the Mexican-American War?

What is the Compromise of 1850?
