The main character of the novel
Who is Equality 7-2521?
Where do the children live from birth to age 5?
What is "the House of the Infants?
Why is Equality's diary a sin?
It is a sin because you are not allowed to write without permission
"Then we saw the scholars who sat around a long table, they were as shapeless clouds huddled at the rise of the great sky" (Rand 68).
What is "Simile"?
What is "I"?
The love interest and main female character of the novel
Who is Liberty 5-3000?
Where citizens go from ages 5-15
What is "the House of the Students"?
What sin did Equality commit by experimenting when he was supposed to go to the theater?
It is a sin to be alone
"Only the glass box in our arms is like a living heart that gives us strength" (Rand 76).
What is "Personification"?
What is "Simile"?
Only crime punishable by death in society
What is "speaking the unspoken word"?
Equality's best friend who works as a street sweeper with him
Who is International 4-8818?
Where happens to citizens after turning 40
What is "retirement"?
Why is it a sin that Equality goes off by himself into the tunnels?
It is a sin to be alone
"We were walking to the fangs awaiting us somewhere among the great, silent trees" (Rand 71).
What is "Metaphor"?
What is "Personification"?
Area outside of city that citizens are not allowed to enter
What is "the Uncharted Forest"?
Equality's new name he comes up for himself
Who is "Prometheus"?
The age of being "ancient" and belonging to the Home of the Useless
What is age 45?
Why is it a sin that Equality wants to be a Scholar and not a street sweeper?
It is a sin to want things
"The leaves had edges of silver that trembled and rippled like a river of green and fire flowing high above us" (Rand 78).
What is "Simile"?
What is "Personification"?
What Equality and Liberty find in their stunt in the Uncharted Forest
Equality's new name for Liberty
Who is "Gaea"?
Why are the women separated from the men?
Women work on the farms and are kept separate from men. All contact is controlled by society, which means no romantic relationships between genders.
Why is it a sin for Equality to fight against his peers in the Home of the Students?
It is a sin because you are not allowed to fight or be different from your "brothers"/the other citizens.
"The trees parted, calling us forward" (Rand 79).
What is "Personification"?
Equality's sacred word
What is "EGO"?