Highest kill-count of any Disney character

What is Mulan?

Mulan has the highest kill-count of any Disney character, including villains, and was the first Disney Princess to be shown killing people on-screen. As you might remember, Mulan killed the most of the Huns by crushing them in an avalanche by way of a rocket. 


The bird that sleeps while it flies.

What are Frigate birds?

Frigate birds fly for months over the ocean and can engage in both regular sleep and use half their brain at a time to sleep during soaring or gliding flight. 


What is Lemniscate?

What is Infinity?

The symbol for infinity that one sees most often is the lazy eight curve, technically called the lemniscate. This symbol was first used in a seventeenth century treatise on conic sections. 1. It caught on quickly and was soon used to symbolize infinity or eternity in a variety of contexts. 


Who invented the word "nerd"?

Who is Dr. Seuss?

But have you ever considered the origin of the word “nerd”? It has an unusual background, as it was initially coined by Dr. Seuss in his 1950 book “If I Ran the Zoo.” In the book, the narrator states he'll collect “a Nerkle, a Nerd, and a seersucker too” for the imaginary zoo in the story.


Why is it called a Pound Cake?

The original recipe was essentially a cake that was made from a pound of flour, a pound of sugar, a pound of butter, and a pound of eggs. This is actually where the pound cake received it's name. Each ingredient added to the cake weighed one pound.


Queen Elizabeth trained as what?

What is mechanic?

When Princess Elizabeth turned 18 in 1944, she insisted upon joining the Army, where she trained as a truck driver and mechanic. She remains the only female member of the royal family to have served in the Army. 


The only walled city in North America?

What is Quebec City?

Quebec City in Canada. In the capital of the province of Quebec, the Old Town (Vieux-Québec) area is the only fortified walled city in North America. It was founded by French explorer Samuel de Champlain in the early 17th century.


Where do the Queen cows sleep?

What is Waterbeds?

During the hour-long episode it is disclosed that the royal dairy cows at Windsor are so well-treated they sleep on waterbeds to keep them happy and comfortable. This type of bedding is useful for protecting the cows' knees, hocks, and udder, and preventing any sores or aches that hard beds may cause.


Which Italian island gives its name to a type of short trousers?

What is Capri?

In the 1950s, Capri became a popular resort. In summer, the island is heavily visited by tourists, especially by day trippers from Naples and Sorrento. Many of these visitors make it a point to wear the Capri pants named after the island.


Which pigment comes from the cuttlefish?

What is Sepia?

sepia, dyestuff, coloured brown with a trace of violet, that is obtained from a pigment protectively secreted by cuttlefish or squid. Sepia is obtained from the ink sacs of these invertebrates. 


What is a baby oyster called?

What is Spat?

Baby oysters (less than 1 inch long) are called spat. In larval form, they attach themselves to a hard surface (usually an adult oyster) and once glued, they gain the name of spat until they become juvenile oysters, which usually takes about a year. 


What sort of food is Bel Paese?

What is Cheese?

Bel Paese is a cow's milk cheese. It matures for six to eight weeks, and has a creamy and light milky aroma. The color is a pale, creamy yellow. It is made in small discs, and is very similar to the French Saint-Paulin cheese and to German Butterkäse. 


What is the term for the artistic period from 1600 -  1750?

What is Baroque?

The term "baroque" is used by art historians to describe European painting, sculpture, and architecture created in the period from about 1600 to 1750. When first applied to the visual arts, at the very end of this period, "baroque" conveyed a rather negative attitude. 


A polyandric woman has more than one what?

What is a Husband?

Polyandry is a marriage practice where one woman has more than one husband at a time


Africa’s highest ski resort is in which country?

What is Morocco?

📍📍 Oukaimeden 📍📍 Oukaïmeden is the highest ski resort in Africa, with a 300-hectare ski area. Located on a high plateau, at more than 74 meters, the biggest ski resort of Morocco becomes a real ground for the hikers in summer. 


In Scotland, what are Eigg, Muck and Rhum?

What are Islands?

Muck is a small island on the west coast of Scotland, and together with its neighbours, Eigg, Rum and Canna, they form the Small Isles. The island is about two miles long by one mile wide with a population of 38 people. 


Mickey Mouse had which original first name?

What is Mortimer Mouse?

Walt Disney named his first iteration of the character Mortimer Mouse. However, at the urging of Lillian Disney, his wife, the character was renamed Mickey Mouse; reportedly, Lillian disliked the name Mortimer for the mouse and suggested Mickey.


An adult beluga whale is which color?

What is White?

Beluga whales are dark grey as calves. Their skin lightens as they age, becoming white as they reach physical maturity. 


Babaganoush dip is made using which vegetable?


What is Eggplant?

In its most basic form, baba ganoush is made with eggplant, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic and salt. I found that adding a tiny bit of ground cumin, smoked paprika and fresh parsley takes it to the next level. Baba ganoush is similar to hummus, but it calls for grilled or roasted eggplant instead of chickpeas. 


Bones from which creature were previously used to stiffen corsets?


What is Whale Bone?

Corsets of the 17th and 18th centuries were most often heavily boned, with little or no space between the bone channels. This was necessary to force the body to conform to the desired shape of the era. At the time, the most popular materials used for boning were giant reeds or whalebone.


A hippophobic is afraid of which animals?

What is Horse?

Another word for fear of horses is hippophobia. “Hippos” is the Greek word for horses. In the English language, equine is more commonly associated with things related to horses.


What is Al Pacino’s full first name?


What is Alfredo?

Alfredo James "Al" Pacino (born April 25, 1940) is an American actor. He has won an Academy Award for Best Actor an Emmy Award, and two Tony Awards. He is known for movie roles in Scarface and The Godfather.


Singapore is connected by a bridge to which other country?

What is Malaysia?

The Causeway is a road and rail link between Singapore and Johor Bahru in Malaysia. Completed in 1923, the 1.05-kilometre Causeway cost an estimated 17 million Straits dollars and spans the Johor Straits (also known as the Tebrau Straits). 


Cleopatra supposedly took a bath in which liquid?

What is Donkey Milk?

SOME HISTORICAL HIGHLIGHTS: It is said that Cleopatra, queen of Egypt, maintained her beauty and the youth of her skin in baths of donkey milk. The daily care required a herd of about 700 donkeys. The Romans also used donkey milk for its therapeutic properties.


How many faces does a Dodecahedron possess?

What is 20 faces?
