These are the four subtopics of Anthropology.
What Are… biological, cultural, archeology, and linguistic?
This scientist developed this term to describe his “survival of the fittest” theory.
Who Is… Charles Darwin
What Is… Natural Selection
These are the stages of human life.
What Are… prenatal stage, postnatal stage, adult stage
This hypothesis explains primate origins in terms of adaptation to tree living.
What Is… The Arboreal Hypothesis
A bipedal organism with non-honing dentition.
What Is… a hominin
Biological anthropology is defined by these two concepts.
What Are… human biological evolution and human biocultural variation?
These are known as the Four Forces of Evolution.
What Are… Natural Selection, Gene Flow, Genetic Drift, Mutation
This, often experienced at high altitudes, results in a range of adaptations such as a larger chest cavity and production of extra red blood cells.
What Is… hypoxia (low oxygen levels)
This is the term known for describing Paleocene primates.
What Is… plesiadapiforms
Found by Donald Johansen, she is the first discovered Australopithecus afarensis.
Who Is… Lucy
Bipedalism and Nonhoning Chewing are two steps in this.
What Are… The Six Steps To Humanness
Darwin relied on these five scientific disciplines.
What Are… Geology, Paleontology, Taxonomy and Systematics, Demography, and Evolutionary Biology
Humans are able to adapt to heat stress through sweating and this, due to evolution in tropical environments.
What Is… vasodilation
The first true primate, seen as early as 56 mya, exhibits a postorbital bar and large brain to body ratio.
What Is… Eocene Euprimate
Charles Darwin’s hypothesis for hominin emergence centers around this.
What Is… Hunting
This scientific approach examines the interrelationship between human genetic contribution and cultural environment.
What Is… The Biocultural Approach
This scientist tested the idea that fossils were the remains of ancient life by studying the microscopic structure of wood.
Who Is… Robert Hooke
Anthropologists began to challenge this concept in the early 1900s, instead focusing on clines, categorization according to geographical gradients.
What Is… Race
These are thought to be the ancestors to orangutans, due to skull similarities.
What Is… Sivapithecus
These two theorized that bipedalism developed as an adaptation for forest fragmentation in their patchy forest hypothesis.
Who Are… Peter Rodman and Henry McHenry
He is the “Father of American Anthropology,” pioneering movements known as historical particularism and cultural relativism.
Who Is… Franz Boas
This scientist developed the system of binomial nomenclature used today (taxonomy).
Who Is… Carl von Linné (Carolus Linnaeus)
This describes how head-adapted mammals will have higher surface-area-to-body ratios.
What Is… Bergmann’s Rule
This hypothesis proposes that the earliest primates specialized in preying on insects and small creatures, causing further development of fine motor skills and visual precision.
What Is… Visual Predation Hypothesis
Found in Aramis by Tim White, these homi-homies lived between 5.8 and 4.4 mya
What are… Ardipithecus kadabba and Ardipithecus ramidus