What is pulp
Two bones that protect vital organs
Skull and Ribs
Insects Appear
what is the phases of body decomposition
They gather information from the bones to determine who died, how they died, and how long ago they died.
Forensic Anthropologist
If the conditions are right the body can dry out, this is called
with this the teeth can wisthstand 2,000 degrees farenheit
what is enamel
Bone where your forehead is
Frontal Bone
Knoxville, Tennessee
what is Location of The Body Farm
Analyzes the medical history of the deceased individual and crime scene evidence and witness testimonials.
Forensic Pathologist
The body starts to emit an odor at this stage
used to preserve teeth
Smallest bone in the body
what is The Stapes
when the muscle flexes when being burned
what is pugilistic posture
Education Field of Study
Biological or Physical Anthropology
Muscles become stiff and hair stands up
Rigor Mortis
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What is methods for labeling teeth
Longest and strongest bone of the human skeleton
when bones turn into chalk
what is calcination
Degree Required
Master's Degree, PhD needed for some positions or advancement.
Discoloration caused by pooling of blood in the body
Livor Mortis
This universal system label used A-K or 1d-20d
What is the 20 deciduous baby teeth
206 Bones
what is Amount of bones adults have
happens in third degree burns
what is charring of the bone
Median Salary (2020)