How might you feel when you are being bullied?
sad, mad, lonely, embarrassed
if someone is teasing you, what is the best thing you can do?
Ignore them and act like it does not bother you.
what is the first thing you should do if you are in a disagreement with someone?
stay calm.
A friend says to you one time "your shirt is ugly."
If you are bullied it is best to handle it alone?
What is the first thing you should do if you know someone is bullying you at school.
Talk to someone about what is happening.
What do you think the tease-the- tease method means?
tease-the-tease means that you give a short comeback that shows yu do not take what the person is saying seriously or personally.
what are two coping strategies you can use to help yourself remain calm when handling a disagreement?
- take 10 deep breathes.
- take space. step out of room for a minute.
- use a fidget
- shake it out
At lunch, a classmates steals your food every day.
Bullies have trouble making friends?
Is it a good idea to continue to hang out with a group of people if you know you are being bullied?
No it is not a good idea. Find a better group of friends to hang out with.
what are 3 examples of comebacks you can use (tease-the-tease).
" Whatever"
"So What"
"Is that supposed to be funny?"
"Who cares"
Before you state your side of the disagreement you should... _____ AND _______.
listen to the other person first.
Repeat back what the other person says.
What is the difference between teasing and bullying?
Teasing is when both people are joking and neither gets their feelings hurt, and bullying is when it goes on more than once, it’s impactful and hurts someone, there’s a power imbalance, and it’s intentional (on purpose)
sometimes we think people are our friends when really they are not true friends.
What is your best options when you are being bullied. For example, your bully is trying to get you to quit an activity you enjoy doing.
You can ignore them. You can ask them to stop. Or you can reply with comments to show you dont care what they say such as whatever, why do you care, what's your problem, this is getting old,.
what kind of body language should you use if someone is teasing you? give 3 examples.
- stand tall
- head held up high
- shrug shoulders
- nod head no
If your friend stated that they are upset with you because they wanted to play mario cart but you put on among us. how can you repeat back what you heard them say to you?
" Your upset with me because i didn't listen to what game you wanted to play and put in the game I wanted instead"
A classmate calls you an unkind word one time
It takes courage to report bullying to an adult?
Your bully makes fun of what you are eating for lunch. What can you say to them?
Why are you so interested in my lunch
Why do you care
who should you never use the tease-the- tease method with?
this should never be used with adults.
- teachers
- therapists
what is an example of how you could solve the disagreement: (apology and suggestion)
If your friend stated that they are upset with you because they wanted to play mario cart but you put on jack box instead.
I will say sorry for not listening to them and not taking into consideration what they wanted to play.
next time, i will not do that and make sure we find a game we agree on to play.
you and a friend "play fight" at recess.
Teasing becasue you are both equally engaging in the behavior