Antibiotic Therapy
Antibiotic Therapy
Antibiotic Therapy

Describe the nursing interventions associated with Tetracycline administration.  What education should be provided for patients taking tetracycline? 

Obtain culture and sensitivity before beginning drug therapy; monitor nutritional status and fluid intake and inspect the client's mouth for signs of a superinfection.

Educate the client about potential adverse drug reactions, drug-drug interactions and instruct the patient to always take the medication on an empty stomach.


Common adverse effect associated with ampicillin.

Discoloration of the tongue 


What is the best way to prevent bacterial resistance? 

Instructed patients who are prescribed antibiotics to take the drug for the duration as instructed by their provider. 

What education should the nurse provide for female patients who are prescribed vaginal antifungal medications? 

Remain lying down for at least 15 minutes after insertion of the medication. 


Before a patient is started on anti-viral therapy which baseline lab should be obtained? 

Kidney function 


Describe a potential complication of gentamicin.

Gentamicin can cause nephrotoxicity.  If a patient complains of difficulty hearing the medication must be HELD. Offer small and frequent meals, provide skin care, a cool environment, and rest periods. 

small and frequent meals, skin care, a cool environment, and rest periods


Gentamicin and drug interactions

Avoid using in patients taking loop diuretics due to the risk of ototoxicity.


Can antibiotics help with a viral infection?

No, antibiotics are not effective at treating viral infections. 


Describe mycosis? 

A fungal infection that invades the tissues and can cause a disease of the skin that spreads to tissue, bones, and organs.  It is caused by a fungus.  Patients who are treated with anti-fungals for mycosis should report to their provider if the condition is worsening.  


Nursing education for patients taking Doxycycline.

Take the medication on an empty stomach, monitor for superinfections (yeast infection), and stay out of the sun as much as possible.


What should the nurse assess when a patient is receiving an aminoglycoside?

Urine output and BUN/Creatinine Levels 


What is the risk of using anti-fungal medications to treat systemic infections? 



Give two examples of fluoroquinolones.

Levaquin and Ciprofloxcin


Why is vancomycin not a first-line drug choice for treatment?

Because of the potential for many adverse effects 


When an elderly patient is receiving an anti-fungal medication what are some important nursing considerations? 

The dosage for an elderly patient will be lower than the normal dosage; the frequency of assessments will need to be increased; liver function test should be performed.  


What education should be provided for patients taking cefaclor?

Take safety precautions, including changing position slowly and avoiding driving and hazardous tasks, if CNS effects occur.  Avoid alcohol until 72 hours after stopping the medication. 


Describe three findings associated with anti-infective therapy.

1. some anti-infectives interfere with biosynthesis of the pathogen's cell wall. 

2. Some anti-infectives prevent the cells of the organism from using essential substances. 

3. Many interfere with the steps involved in protein synthesis. 


Nursing considerations in patients receiving amphotericin B.

Monitor for jaundice and obtain liver function tests; monitor urine output and BUN/creatinine levels.  Assess for nausea and vomiting and the IV site for signs of skin breakdown. 
