Parts of Chorus
Major Characters
Parts of Theatre
Genre Words
Myths & Places

This member can interact with actors and is the lead singer of his group. 

What is the choragos?


Dionysus is her great, great uncle, and her dad is a king who slept with his mom, blinded himself, and cursed his sons. 

Who is Antigone?


This level, circular space at the bottom of the amphitheatre is where the chorus sings and dances in classical Greek plays. 

What is the orchestra? 


This is the words spoken between two actors on stage.

What is dialogue?


This river runs through Thebes, and is famous as the place where Dionysus was washed once Zeus removed him from Semele's charred body before placing him in his thigh to finish gestation.

What is the River Dirce?


Not the passageway through which it is sung, but rather the name of the opening ode that is sung in a classical Greek play. 

What is a parados?


This young prince traveled to Colonus to persuade his dad to give him a blessing to fight against his brother, who wouldn't share the throne. 

Who is Polyneices? 


This hut was originally a place where actors changed costumes, but eventually it became the backdrop in front of which classical Greek actors performed their roles. 

What is the skene?


This is long speech can be heard by other characters.

What is a monologue?


People from this city are called Argives, and this is the place where Antigone's brother was living while his brother Eteocles took his turn on the throne of Thebes. 

What is Argos?


This song is sung while the chorus members are moving in the direction of the alter.

What is the strophe?


This uncle, ruler of Thebes as the play begins, has a son who is a prince and who loves Antigone.

Who is King Creon?


This narrow passageway between the audience and the skene is where the chorus members walked as they sang the opening ode and made their way out to the orchestra area.

What is the parados?


Other characters on stage cannot hear this longer speech that reveals a character's inner thoughts and feelings.

What is a soliloquy?


This city in Greece is said to have been the birthplace of Dionysus.

What is Thebes?


When this was sung, the chorus members moved across the orchestra (circular area) in the opposite direction that they moved toward in the strophe. 

What is the antistrophe? 


This character is considered spokesperson of the gods, and people go to him for advice. 

Who is Teiresias, the blind prophet?


These tiers of stone seats are where spectators of Greek plays sat. 

What is an amphitheatre?


These revealing, short comments by a character cannot be heard by other characters in the play. 

What is an aside?


With regard to the play Antigone, this god is known for having slept with his daughter; having a baby who was lured in and eaten by the Titans; having reconstructed the baby from a heart; having planted the baby in another woman's womb; having appeared in his full thunderbolt glory to that woman and charring her to death, and then planted the baby in his own thigh to carry it to fruition.  

Who is Zeus?


During this song the chorus members don't move around, and often this song is used to comment on or react to the previous scene. 

What is the stasimon? 


This daughter of Oedipus fears Antigone's call for civil disobedience. 

Who is Ismene?


This raised structure was located in the center of the orchestra, and it was dedicated to Dionysus, god of tragedy. The members of the chorus sometimes danced around it or toward it/away from it. 

What is the altar? 


This can be an error in the protagonist's judgment or a personality trait that leads to a hero's downfall.

What is a tragic flaw?


Allusions to this god call to mind contradictions like life/death, death/resurrection. He is often associated with intoxication, fire, frenzy, madness, and ecstasy. 

Who is Dionysus?
