Ismene and Eteocles are ___________
Who are Oedipus & Jocasta's children?
Eteocles, Polynieces, Antigone, and Ismene.
What was the original penalty for burying Polyneices' body?
Public execution
But now I know what you meant; and I am here to join you, to take my share of the punishment.
Why is baby Oedipus sent away from his home?
His parents hear that he will kill his father and marry his mother.
Why did Polyneices and Eteocles kill each other?
They fought to be the new King of Thebes. Eteocles was the rightful heir, and Polyneices attacked Thebes. So, they fought to the death.
Your edict, king, was strong, but all your strength is weakness against the immortal unrecorded laws of God.
What does Oedipus do when his mother/wife hangs herself?
Gouges his eyes out.
When the sentry notifies Creon that someone has buried Polyneices, who does Creon immediately blame?
The sentry
I have heard them muttering and whispering in the dark about this girl. They say no woman has ever, so unreasonably, died so shameful a death for such a generous act.
Why does Oedipus leave Corinth and travel back towards Thebes?
He learns of his prophecy to kill his father and marry his mother. He believes that the king+queen of Corinth are his real parents, so he flees Corinth to avoid fulfilling this fate.
The time is not far off when you shall pay back corpse for corpse, flesh for flesh. You have denied the dead a grave, and this is your crime.