Hallmark of the Chinese culture.
What is tradition?
Ocean to the east of China.
What is the Pacific?
Taught that a good emperor ruled by virtue and a good state ran by order and submission to rank and rules.
Who was Confucius?
Invention of the Chinese allowing for better navigation.
What was the magnetic compass?
Position seen as having power of life and death and help personally responsible for the successes and calamities of the empire.
What is the emperor?
Desert protecting China's northern border.
What is the Gobi Desert?
Shang-ti was worshipped by the ancient Chinese as the sole god and known by this title.
What is "emperor of heaven"?
Built by the Ming in modern day Beijing.
What is the Forbidden City?
Story illustrating Chinese commitment to tradition?
What is "The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountain"
China's famous mountain range.
What are the Himalayas?
The first Christians in China.
Who were the Nestorians?
Paintings characterized by monotonous tasks, and quests for nirvana.
What are Buddhist paintings?
According to Dave Raymond there are 740 of these among the chinesse people.
What are people groups?
This well known river in China is also central in the famous children's book titled "Ping".
What is the Yangtze River?
Chin emperor who came to rule at the age of 13, and built the first form of the Great Wall.
Who was Shih Huang-Ti?
Art that typically allows the ink flow in natural landscapes.
What are Daoist paintings?
What are 490 Languages
This great building project from China's early dynasties united distant cities accross China's vast territory.
Name of the philosophy taought by Lao Tze which through non-action unites one with the flow of all natural things.
What is Daosim?
Method used by the Yuan dynasty to attempt to control the Chinesse people.
What is forbidding intermariage between the Chinese and the Mongols?