Why Jews and History
What is genocide?
Genocide is an act to systemically and intentionally destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group of people.
What is AntiSemitism?
AntiSemitism is the prejudice against, hatred of, and/or discrimination against Jews as an ethnic, religious, or racial group.
Who were the three men who dominated the peace-making process at the end of WWI?
1. Woodrow Wilson- American President 2. David Lloyd-George- British Prime Minister 3. George Clemenceau- French Prime Minister
Who was Karl Marx?
The Father of Communism; the USSR's ideology revolved around his economic theories.
What was Beer Hall Revolt? Its significance?
Hitler and his "brown coats" stormed into Beer Hall in Munich, Germany, fired shots into the air, and announced that the Weimar Republic was being overthrown. When Hitler was brought to trial, the German judge deemed him truer than any German, and was NOT deported back to Austria. If he had, maybe the Holocaust never would have occurred.
What are three forms of denial?
Possible answers include- 1. Tampering with evidence 2. Blaming the victims 3. Running away/escaping 4. Committing suicide 5. "I was just following orders" 6. "I had no idea this was going on/ I didn't know"
How was AntiSemitism displayed/demonstrated during Medieval times?
The Medieval Catholic Church blamed the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) on Jews. Later, when it was discovered that the disease was carried by rats, people began calling the Jews rats.
What four major world powers disappeared at the end of WWI?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire.
Who is V.I. Lenin, and what did he do?
He was the Russian leader of the Bolsheviks. He and the Bolsheviks staged a revolution in Russia, overthrew the Czars, and created the USSR.
What was The Elders of Zion, and what impact did it have on the American public?
The Elders of Zion was a book that circulated false lies about the Jewish people. The author claimed that Jews were taking over the world and its banks. Henry Ford published this book in U.S. and circulated it among the American public. The American public experienced a wave of severe antiSemitism, even though Ford said that the book had no real merit.
What is polarization?
Polarization is the process when extremists drive political groups apart. Moderates are targeted in order to silence or intimidate any opponent.
Give three reasons why Jews were hated.
Possible answers include: 1. Economic 2. Chosen People 3. Scapegoat 4. Deicide 5. Outsiders 6. Racial Theory
During the convention, how were the Japanese treated, and what is the significance?
The Japanese were treated horribly. Racial slurs and derogatory comments were thrown in their direction constantly. When they pushed for racial equality and immigration laws, President Wilson vetoed their requests. This foreshadows a complicated relationship between the U.S. and Japan (PEARL HARBOR), and Japan become a more nationalistic and authoritarian state.
Who was Paul von Hindenberg? What HUGE mistake did he and others in government make?
He was the President of Germany. In order to gain the popularity and votes that he needed, he used Hitler as a puppet-candidate. He expected Hitler to fail miserably in turning around Germany...instead, Hitler succeeded and completely took over.
What was the 1923 Occupation?
Germany had failed to make one of its payments to France, so the French invaded and occupied the Ruhr. The occupation initiated the German strike, in which Germans were unable to produce nothing, so products became even more expensive.
List the five components of genocide.
1. Killing members of the group. 2. Causing serious mental or physical harm. 3. Inflicting horrible conditions of life upon the group 4. Preventing birth within the group 5. Forcibly transferring children from one group to another.
Give two paradoxes that arise when confronting the reasons for antiSemitism.
Possible answers include: 1. They're accused of being lazy and cheap, but also of being too powerful. 2. They're accused of being pacifists, but warmongering revolutionaries. 3. They're accused of being "too different", yet when they try to assimilate, are denied.
What German lands were given to France?
Alsace-Lorraine, the Czar coalfields, and the Rhineland.
Who is Matthias Erzberger? Why is he significant to post-WWI Germany?
He was the Catholic Center Party leader in Germany. When the treaty was signed, he was an easy scapegoat because he had long opposed the war. He and other signers were dubbed as the "November Criminals.
When did the Germans sign the Treaty at the Hall of Mirrors?
June 28, 1919.
Who coined the term 'genocide'?
Raphael Lemkin.
What was the Dreyfus Affair? Its significance?
The Dreyfus Affair was when a French-Jew war official of France, Alfred Dreyfus, was accused of high treason and espionage. Days within his incarceration, evidence proved his innocence, yet he was kept in solitary for two years because he was a Jew. This is significant for two reasons: 1) AntiSemitism was not a German sentiment, alone. 2) Alfred Dreyfus is the Father of Zionism. When he was released, he argued that Jews were not safe anywhere, and needed a homeland. He claimed that every Jew had the God-given right to immigrate back to their holy land, which was Palestine. This Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues today.
What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk? Its significance?
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was struck between Russia and Germany. The treaty officially ended Russia's involvement in WWI, but also turned over to Germany a third of Russia's farmland, coal mines, and industries. The significance of this treaty is that the majority of Russians opposed the treaty, but were forced to accept it, regardless. This foreshadows Russia's unhappiness with Lenin, which is paving the way for Stalin.
Who was Wolfgang Kapp, and what is significant about this man?
Wolfgang Kapp was a conservative revolutionary in post-WWI Germany; he overthrew the national government and executed over 200 people. Instead of the new German Constitution and judges punishing Kapp, they dropped the charges. This demonstrates that the Germans hated the Weimar Republic.
When the Nazis wrote their platform in 1920, they demanded what specific points? Name, at least, three.
Possible Answers: 1. A union of all Germans to form a great Germany on the basis of the right to self-determination of peoples. 2. Abolition of the Treaty of Versailles. 3. Land and territories for their surplus population. 4. German blood as a requirement for German citizenship. No Jew can be a member of the nation. 5. Non-citizens can live in Germany only as foreigners, subject to the law of aliens. 6. Only citizens can vote and hold public office. 7. The state ensures that every citizen live decently and earn their livelihood. If it is impossible to provide food for the whole population, then aliens must be expelled. 8. No further immigration of non-Germans. 9. A thorough reconstruction of their national system of education. 10. All newspapers must be published in the German language by German citizens and owners.