It is used by ants to smell, feel, and taste. What is it?
Who lays all of the ant eggs?
The Queen.
Where do ants live?
They live underground.
What is the most common type of ant?
Black Ant
What does the exoskeleton do?
It protects the body.
Who protects the colony from attackers?
The guard ants.
Do they live on rainbows?
What is an ant, that hurts when it bites you?
Green Ant
Where are the ant's eyes?
On their head.
What do hunter ants do?
The find the food.
A colony.
What is the most dangerous ant?
Fire ants.
With what body part, do ants carry their food?
With their jaws.
What do worker ants do?
They build the tunnels.
How do ants keep food in their home?
They have a storage room.
What is the ant that you are not able to do?
The c"an't".
If I have 100 ants, how many legs are there?
600 legs.
What is the life cycle of an ant?
Egg > Larvae > Coccoon > Adult Ant
How many tunnels do ant colonies have?
As many as they need.
What is an ant that looks like a deer?
An Antelope.