What are two ways your body lets you know you're anxious?
Fast breathing, racing heart, sweaty hands, feeling jumpy and restless, dry mouth, shaking, headache, stomach ache
What are the three parts of the triangle
Thoughts, feelings, actions
Because you have a thought, it means it’s true.
False. Your thoughts are guesses about something that has happened or might happen. They are not always true.
In your own words, what is anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal emotion (like feeling scared, worried, or stressed) that everyone will feel at some point in their lives. It can be difficult to control and can impact our lives by making it difficult to do certain things.
Name a situation at home you feel anxious about.
Example: family members arguing
Coming up with a new thought will help you see a situation differently.
True. There are many different thoughts you could have about a situation. Some thoughts are helpful, some thoughts are unhelpful.
What are some other emotions that are similar to anxiety?
Nervous, scared, sad, frustration, frightened, panicky, stressed, worried, embarrassed
Name a situation at school you feel anxious about.
Examples: Fire drills, germs, speaking in front of the class, making new friends, etc.
True. Everyone experiences anxiety differently.
Everyone is different!
Give an example of a thought you have when you're feeling anxious about speaking in front of the class or taking a test.
Any example of a thought is correct!
Everyone feels anxious about the same things.
False. Everyone’s anxiety triggers are different.
Tell about a time you felt afraid but showed bravery and did the scary thing anyway.
Any example of a time you were brave!
Describe a situation that has an anxious thought that led to a feeling and action.
Actions are the things you do. Your thoughts and feelings impact how you act.
True. Your thoughts and feelings will impact how you act. Example: if you feel happy you’ll do nice things, if you are angry you might do mean things.