anxious anxious girls
I'm nervous!
Shakin in my boots
I want to go home
hot girls are anxious

the number #1 treatment for this type of anxiety is systematic desensitization or graded exposure  

What is a specific phobia?


fear of or anxiety about places from which escape might be difficult or fear of developing panic attack symptoms, 6 mons or more

What is agoraphobia?

EXCESSIVE anxiety/worry about several events or activities for most days for 6 months or more

What is GAD?


A 61-year-old male comes to the office because of uncontrollable feelings of fear and sadness for the past six months. These feelings occur on most days, at home and at work, and have begun to affect his quality of life. He is otherwise in good health and he uses no medications or recreational drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. Examination shows no abnormalities. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Generalized anxiety disorder



In individuals with this anxiety disorder, avoidance is common and patients desire close relationships with others 

What is social anxiety disorder?


diagnosis of substance-induced anxiety disorder requires that symptoms should start after this amount time using the substance

What is during use or within one month?


generalized anxiety disorder is associated with somatic symptoms; in fact, it required 3 somatic symptoms for diagnosis. List those symptoms. 

muscle tension, irritability, difficulty sleeping, restlessness. fatigue, concentration difficulties 


these drugs are infrequently used due to their AEs including: abuse potential, rapid tolerance, dependence, respiratory depression, lethality in OD, inducer of many hepatic enzymes

What are barbiturates? 




this is the key differentiating factor between social phobia and agoraphobia

What is nature of the feared object?


this is the advantage of using CBT over pharmacotherapy in the treatment of panic disorder

What is a lower rate of relapse following discontinuation of treatment?
patients with anxiety disorders are often given benzos, if a patient had been given too much of lorezepam, this is the antidote

What is flumazenil?


this anxiolytic is only used on a short-term basis (i.e. for agitation with SCZ and bipolar)

What is dexmedetomidine?


A 14-year-old boy comes to the office with a six-month history of anxiety when using public restrooms. He has to go home from school every day at lunch to use the toilet. If he tries to enter a public restroom, he experiences anxiety and is unable to void. He fears someone may walk in, see him urinating, and laugh at him. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Social anxiety disorder


abrupt surge in intense fear/discomfort which peaks in minutes

What is a panic attack?


the #1 most common feature of this disorder is being embarrassed or humiliated in front of others

What is social anxiety disorder?


this onset of activation of this drug is 2-4 wks, it has not sedative or anticonvulsant activity, and is has no risk of dependence

What is buspirone?


A 36-year-old man is evaluated for an episode of dizziness while driving. Yesterday, while driving, he suddenly felt dizzy, developed palpitations, started shaking, and had profuse sweating. He briefly felt that he was losing control of his vehicle, which almost made him crash. He stopped driving, and the sensation faded in about an hour. He has no history of similar episodes, takes no daily medication, and has no unusual stressors in his life. Cardiac and neurologic testing are normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?

Panic attack!

*BONUS: Why isn't this panic disorder?


A 45-year-old man with a history of depression develops blurry vision, dry mouth, and urinary retention after his physician switched him to a new medication two weeks ago. Which of the following drugs is the most likely cause of these symptoms?

A. amytriptiline 

B. bupropion

C. citalopram

D. sertraline

E. venlafaxine


*explanation: TCAs have antihistamine and anticholinergic effects


these are the criteria necessary for diagnosis of panic disorder

panic attacks with at least one of the attacks followed by 1 month of anxiety about future attacks OR change in behavior


A 24-year-old woman comes to the physician because of a 1-year history of intermittent episodes of shortness of breath, chest tightness, palpitation, dizziness, sweaty hands, and a feeling of impending doom. She says her symptoms usually occur within a few blocks of her apartment but she can avoid a “full attack” if she can get home fast enough. Over the past year she has adjusted her life to avoid “attacks” by working from home, having her groceries delivered to her apartment, and having her friends and boyfriend come to her apartment to visit. She says she knows it's excessive, but she has to have her boyfriend accompany her when she leaves the house, otherwise she would be too afraid of being alone outside her home. Within a few hours after each episode, physical examination and laboratory studies have shown no abnormalities. What is the most likely diagnosis?


**BONUS: Why isn't it panic disorder?


these durugs are agonists that are positive allosteric modulators at GABA A receptors if only one a1 subunit is present => this leads to less tolerance, dependence, and withdrawal, but makes for a less effective anxiolytic

What are Z compounds? (zolpidem, zaleplon, etc)


Benzos are metabolized by these two mechanisms

What are CYPs (mostly CYP 3A4) and glucuronidation?


A 34-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with a migraine headache refractory to sumatriptan. She also takes fluoxetine for depression and omeprazole for gastroesophageal reflux. Soon after being administered meperidine for treatment of her migraine, she develops agitation, diaphoresis, fever, and incoordination. What is the most likely diagnosis?

serotonin syndrome 
