Asepsis & Sterility
Wound Healing
Safety in the OR
Perioperative Care
What are examples of the recommendation - A sterile field should be maintained and monitored constantly. (3)
1. If a delay occurs after a sterile field is set up, it may be covered with sterile drapes until the delay is resolved 2. If a delay occurs after a sterile field is set up, the personnel may leave the room as long as someone maintains continuous visual observation of the sterile field 3. The sterile field should be prepared as close as possible to the time of use
What methods accomplish hemostasis by occluding a severed blood vessel, causing platelets to clump together? (2)
Ligatures and pledgets
Risks to patients and staff members associated with laser use include: (3)
1. Eye injury 2. Fire hazards 3. Inhalation of laser plume
What is the primary focus of Phase II postanesthesia care is:
patient and caregiver education for continuing postoperative care at home
What is the safest way to pass a cutting instrument to a surgeon?
Place it in a designated neutral zone with a verbal cue
What practices are recommended during decontamination (the FIRST step in the sterilization process) of used instruments? (3)
1. Open box locks and disassemble instruments with multiple parts 2. Use an enzymatic detergent on heavily soiled instruments 3. Wear personal protective equipment
In which type of healing does the wound remain open and allowed to heal on its own without additional surgery?
What characteristics are elements of a culture of safety within a healthcare organization? (3)
1. Commitment to safety as the first priority in providing care 2. Ongoing education of staff members about patient safety 3. Trust among healthcare team members
What item should be stocked on a latex-safe cart in the surgical suite?
Silicone catheters
What is considered a critical perioperative nursing diagnosis within the PNDS?
Risk for perioperative positioning injury
What is the recommended practice about flash sterilization?
The item should be processed with a routine process monitoring device
What is a disadvantage of using skin clips (staples)?
They often cause more scarring than other skin closure methods
Potential sources of fuel for surgical fires include
Draping materials
During admission of a patient to Phase I of postanesthesia care, the perianesthesia nurse is responsible for: (5)
Assessing the patient's level of consciousness, pain level, surgical dressing, maintaining a patent airway, monitoring vital signs
What type of needle point should you expect to need for suturing friable tissue such as the liver?
A packaging system for items undergoing sterilization should possess what characteristic?
Permits aseptic delivery of contents to the sterile field
During which phase of wound healing does contraction occur?
One recommendation of promoting safety of ALL personnel in the surgical suite:
Providing access to Materials Safety Data Sheets for hazardous agents used in that environment
Why should the periop RN ask about herbal preps, alcohol, tobacco products, and recreational drugs during the preoperative interview? (3)
1. herbal supplements may affect the metabolism of drugs administered 2. recreational drug use may affect choice of preoperative sedation 3. Smoking may affect circulatory and respiratory system assessment results
What is the recommended practice for the handling of natural absorbable sutures (according to AORN Periop 101 Final)?
Open the package carefully over a small basin to prevent splashing of the packaging solution
What is true about biological monitoring of the sterilization process?
Biological monitors indicate that the intended physical conditions in the sterilizer were met
What sensory assessment finding is common among elderly patients?
Decreased color and depth perception
To place a patient safely in Trendelenburg position, which of the following practice is indicated (according to AORN Periop 101 Final):
Position the knees over the break in the procedure bed to allow for knee flexion
To follow the AORN Recommended Practices for positioning the patient, the perioperative nurse should:
Use additional precautions as appropriate based on unique patient considerations
What phases of the nursing process does the perioperative nurse practice during the PREOPerative phase of the surgical experience? (4)
1. Assessment 2. Identification of desired outcome 3. Nursing diagnosis 4. Planning