List all dimensions of health.
What is self-assessed health status?
Is based on an individual’s own perception of their health and wellbeing.
What is this definition?
the number of deaths in a population in a given period (AIHW, 2018)
Which planet is the hottest in the solar system?
Define Mental Health and wellbeing.
refers to the state of a person’s mind or brain and relates to the ability to think and process information. Optimal mental health and wellbeing enables an individual to positively form opinions, make decisions and use logic.
True or False:
A newborn babies life expectancy will be different to a 12 year old girl.
What is this definition?
the number of years of life, on average, remaining to an individual at a particular age if death rates do not change. The most commonly used measure is life expectancy at birth. (AIHW, 2018)
Which two countries share the longest international border?
Canada and USA
Define Physical Health and wellbeing
Relates to the functioning of the body and its systems, including the physical capacity to perform daily activities or tasks.
What is the difference between mortality & morbidity?
Morbidity- ill health in an individual and levels of ill health within a population (often expressed through incidence, prevalence) (AIHW, 2018)
Mortality- the number of deaths in a population in a given period (AIHW, 2018)
What is this definition?
ill health in an individual and levels of ill health within a population (often expressed through incidence, prevalence) (AIHW, 2018)
Which bone are babies born without?
Knee Cap
List two charactersitics of optimal physical health.
- Healthy Body weight, adequate energy levels, ability to complete physical tasks, appropriate fitness levels, strong immune system, well functioning body/systems.
What is the difference between Incidence & Prevalence?
Incidence- refers to the number (or rate) of new cases of a disease/condition in a population during a given period
Prevalence- the number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time (AIHW, 2008)
What is this definition?
the number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time (AIHW, 2008)
With which French DJ did Australian singer, Sia, made the song “Titanium” in 2011?
David Guetta
Provide an example of one characteristic of optimal health for each dimension of health.
Physical- Healthy body weight, adequate energy levels, strong immune systems.
Social- Supportive and well functioning family, productive relationship with others, effective communication
Spiritual- Peace and harmony, sense of belonging, positive meaning and purpose in life.
Emotional- Recognise and understand emotions, effectively respond to emotions, high levels of resilience.
Mental- Low levels of stress/anxiety, high levels of confidene, positive thought patterns
(There are more, I just did 3 examples for each dimension)
List 3 health status indicators.
Self assessed Health status, life expectancy, mortality, morbidity, incidence, prevalence, burden of disease, rates of hospitalisation, core activity limitation, psychological distress.
What is this definition?
a measure of the impact of diseases and injuries; specifically it measures the gap between current health status and an ideal situation where everyone lives to an old age free of disease and disability. Burden of disease is measured in a unit called the DALY. (VCAA)
Burden of Disease
Who was Australia’s first female Prime Minister?
Julia Gillard