Research Methods
Attachment Theory
Normality and Typicality
Piaget's Theory

Define both an IV and a DV to differentiate between the two. 

The IV is the variable that the experimenter manipulates in the study design, and changes between control and experimental groups. The DV is the outcome variable that is being measured. 


What is attachment, as defined by Psychology?

A long-lasting emotional bond between two individuals. 


How would one define "Typical Behavior" within the context of Psychological Development?

Behavior that is common and consistent with how a person normally behaves. 


Is someone with Dyslexia considered to be "Neurodiverse"? 

Yes, Dyslxia interferes with the neurological development of an individual in terms of their ability to read and write. Thus, they are neurodivergent.


Name the four stages in Piaget's Theory.

The sensory motor stage, the pre-operational stage, the concrete operational stage and the formal operational stage.


Name three Ethical Principles in Psychological Research

Options: Informed Consent, Voluntary Participation, Withdrawl Rights, Confidentiality, the No Harm Principle (or right to no harm), Debriefing, (Lack of) Coercion.


What kind of bond is "attachment theory" specifically concerned with?

The bond between a child and their primary caregiver.


In regards to Typicality, what is "Statistical Rarity"?

Statistical Rarity determines typical behavior by comparing it with others. Behavior that is significant and that lies outside of the majority of people's behaviors is statistically abnormal. 


Name two typical differences for someone who is neurodiverse. 

Options: they can better express themselves creatively, may have difficulty adapting to change, is distractable, and has difficulty communicating and focusing for long periods of time.


Which of the four stages of the theory does not have an upper age limit, and why?

The formal operational stage, because these skills are learnt and gradually refined across a person's whole life, some people may never even develop these skills. 


What does it mean to operationalize a variable/hypothesis? 

To add such detail and specificity that the variable hypothesis reflects what is actually being measured/studied, so that others may replicate it in future. 


Name one of the two types of Insecure Attachment

Insecure Avoidant or Insecure Resistant/Anxious


What approach to normality dictates that what is normal is defined by the time period in which one lives? 

The Historical Approach


What is the full name for the DSM: the publication by which mental health workers can diagnose and treat mental health issues? 

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.


Name the two key accomplishments of the Sensory Motor Stage

Goal-directed behavior and object permanence. 


What is the name given to the classic study design, in which a sample is seperated into control and experimental groups, and seperately conduct the study, to compare results?

The Independent Groups Design. 


In Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation, how would you describe the behavior of an infant who is Securely Attached when in a room with a parent and several toys scattered around?

They would explore the room and toys, but return to the parents from time to time as a safe base, for reasurance.


Differentiate between Adaptive and Maladaptive Behavior.

Adaptive Behavior is any behavior that allows a person to cope with the changing demands of their world/environment. Maladaptive is any behavior that does not allow a person to effectively cope with their demands. 
What kinds of treatment otions are available to a person with ASD? (Autism Spectrum Disorder)? Name at least two.

Behavioural therapy, medication, Cognitive/Developmental Therapy, or psychotherapy. 


In which stage are basic mathematical skills emerging? 

The Concrete Operational Stage (Stage 3).

What is "Straitifed Random Sampling"?

Stratified Random Sampling is a sampling method in which a sample is chosen by dividing the population into representative interest groups called "Strata", and chooses from amongst them, randomly. 


If a child who was Insecure-Anxious was taking part in Mary Ainsworth's Strange Situation, they would cry as the caregiver left. How would they behave upon the return of the caregiver?

They would continue to cry and be unable to be consolled, not wanting to be picked up. 


Can a behavior be consider typical, abnormal and adaptive at the same time? Justify your response. 

Yes. A behavior that a person normally performs is typical. If that behavior is not done by the majority of people, it can be deemed "abnormal" under the Statistical Approach. If this behavior allows them to cope with their life's demands, it can be considered adaptive as well.


Using each section of the BPS model, identify three challenges that someone with ADHD may face. 

Bio: Increased energy levels or increased appetite. Psycho: difficulty focusing, thinking rationally and managing time.

Social: (Potential) building or maintaining friendships, due to impuslive behaviors. 


Define the key accomplishment of "Centration" - that occurs in the Pre-Operational Stage.

Centration is the inability to focus on more than one thing at a time. 
