Human Lifespan
Developmental Transitions
Healthy Relationships
Parenting and Early Development
Intergenerational Health

What are the stages of the human lifespan? (include age bracket)

Prenatal Stage (conception to birth), Infancy (birth to 2 years), early childhood (2 to 6 years), middle childhood (6 to 12 years), adolescence (12 to 18 years), early adulthood (18 to 40 years), middle adulthood (40 to 65 years) and late adulthood (65 years onwards)


What is one major developmental transition from youth to adulthood?

Identity Formation: Developing a stable sense of self and personal values.

Independence: Gaining autonomy and responsibility, including financial independence.

Career Development: Choosing a career path and achieving professional goals.

Relationship Changes: Transitioning to more mature and committed relationships.

Emotional Regulation: Developing better control over emotions and coping strategies.


Name one characteristic of a healthy relationship.

Mutual Respect: Valuing each other’s opinions, feelings, and boundaries.

Trust: Having confidence in each other's reliability and integrity.

Communication: Sharing thoughts and feelings openly and honestly.

Support: Providing emotional and practical assistance.

Equality: Ensuring that power and responsibilities are shared fairly.

Independence: Allowing each person to maintain their individuality and personal interests.

Conflict Resolution: Handling disagreements constructively and respectfully.

Affection: Expressing care and love through physical and verbal gestures.


What are two key responsibilities of parenting?

Providing Emotional Support: Ensuring children feel loved, secure, and valued.

Guiding Development: Teaching children essential life skills, values, and appropriate behaviour.


What does the term 'intergenerational health' refer to?

Intergenerational health refers to the impact of health and lifestyle factors across multiple generations within a family or community.


Describe a significant physical change that occurs during adolescence.

PUBERTY is marked by rapid growth spurts and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Girls develop breasts, start menstruation, and grow body hair, while boys experience facial hair growth, a deeper voice, and increased muscle mass.


How can transitioning from adolescence to adulthood impact mental health?

Increased stress and anxiety due to new responsibilities, identity changes, and social adjustments.


How does effective communication contribute to a healthy relationship?

Effective communication enhances understanding, resolves conflicts, builds trust, and strengthens emotional connections in a relationship.


How can early childhood experiences impact future development?

Early childhood experiences can impact future development by influencing emotional stability, cognitive skills, and social behaviors. Positive experiences foster healthy growth, while negative experiences can lead to developmental challenges.


How can a family history of health conditions affect an individual’s health?

A family history of health conditions can guide individuals in early detection and preventive measures, as they may be more aware of their risk and take proactive steps to manage their health.


What is a key characteristic of late adulthood?

Aging-related physical and cognitive changes. This includes a gradual decline in physical health, such as reduced strength and mobility, and cognitive changes like slower processing speed and potential memory loss.


Describe one physical development milestone in early childhood.

One physical development milestone in early childhood is walking. By around 12-15 months, most children start walking independently, marking a significant step in their motor skill development.


What is the impact of unhealthy relationships on emotional health and wellbeing?

Unhealthy relationships can negatively impact emotional well-being by causing stress, anxiety, depression, and feelings of low self-worth.


What is one factor that can positively influence early childhood development?

A nurturing and supportive environment, which includes responsive caregiving, positive interactions, and consistent emotional support.

Early cognitive stimulation, such as engaging in educational activities, reading, and providing opportunities for exploration and learning.


Name one way that early life experiences can affect future health.

Nutrition: inadequate early nutrition can lead to long-term health issues such as obesity and chronic diseases.

Stress: early exposure to high levels of stress can impact the development of the stress response system and increase the risk of mental and physical health problems later in life.

Physical activity levels: early engagement in regular physical activity promotes healthy growth and can reduce the risk of obesity and related chronic conditions later in life.


How does intellectual development typically change in early adulthood?

Enhanced problem-solving skills, increased expertise in specific areas, and stable cognitive function.


What are some social developments that occur during middle adulthood?

Establishing and maintaining significant relationships, such as deepening connections with family and friends and mentoring younger generations.


Describe one way to maintain boundaries in a relationship.

Maintaining boundaries in a relationship is communicating your limits and needs, and ensuring that both partners understand and respect each other’s personal space and limits.


How does social support, benefit new parents?

Social support benefits new parents by providing emotional reassurance, practical help, and guidance, which can reduce stress, improve mental well-being, and enhance their ability to cope with the challenges of parenting.


How can positive parenting practices impact future generations?

Positive parenting practices can impact future generations by promoting healthy emotional development, strong relationships, and effective coping skills, leading to improved mental health, better social interactions, and more positive life outcomes in their children and grandchildren.


What are some common challenges faced in the transition to retirement?

Adjusting to a new routine, managing finances, coping with losing work identity, and dealing with reduced social interactions.


How can changes in social roles during late adulthood affect health and well-being?

Retirement: May lead to a loss of daily structure and purpose, affecting mental health. However, it can also offer opportunities for leisure and social engagement.

Loss of Loved Ones: Losing friends or a spouse can increase feelings of loneliness and depression, impacting emotional well-being.

Caregiving Responsibilities: Taking on caregiving roles can be stressful and physically demanding, potentially affecting one's own health, but can also provide a sense of fulfillment.

Social Networks: Changes in social networks, such as moving to a new community or losing social contacts, can affect social support and overall mental health.

Role Adjustment: Adapting to new roles, like becoming a grandparent or dealing with physical limitations, can influence self-esteem and life satisfaction.


How can healthy relationships affect physical health?

Healthy relationships can improve physical health by reducing stress, which lowers the risk of stress-related conditions like hypertension and heart disease, and by providing emotional support that encourages healthier lifestyle choices and adherence to medical advice.


Describe the impact of maternal nutrition on prenatal development.

Adequate nutrition ensures proper development of the baby's organs and systems, reduces the risk of birth defects, and supports optimal birth weight. Poor nutrition can lead to complications such as low birth weight, developmental delays, and an increased risk of chronic health issues later in life.


What is the effect of generational trauma on health and wellbeing?

Physical: Increased risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and sleep disturbances due to prolonged stress.

Emotional: Persistent feelings of sadness, fear, and emotional instability.

Mental: Impaired memory, focus, and decision-making; symptoms of PTSD.

Social: Difficulty in forming and maintaining healthy relationships, leading to isolation and community disconnection.

Spiritual: Disconnection from spiritual practices and cultural identity, leading to spiritual distress.
