Revolts and Resistance
Maroon Societies

List 3 different ways enslaved people resisted their daily oppression. 

What is revolts, breaking tools, stealing food, slow down work, and running away. 


By the late 18th- early 19th century, free Black people grew in the U.S. and most of them were located in this part of the nation. 

What is the North?


This Native American tribe in present day Florida welcomed maroons as kin and faught along with them. 

Who are the Seminole?


A covert network of Black (formerly enslaved/free) and White abolitionists who provided shelter, and other resources to help enslaved people fleeing from the South to the North.

What is the underground railroad?


This wartime order declared freedom for enslaved people who were in Conderate states and were allowed to fight in the Civil War.

What is the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863? 


These U.S. colonies were one of the earliest known slave revolt where many enslaved people brought from Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) in 1526 self emancipated many finding refuge with Native Amerians.

What is South Carolina- Georgia coastlines?


This country was the location with the most enslaved Africans in the Americas and was the last to abolish slavery in 1888. 

What is Brazil? 


This event made it so that indigenous nations were forced out of their land by the U.S. goverment. These tribes brought enslaved Black people with them also. 

What is the "Trail of Tear"?


This movement became popular between 1830 and 1865 which was led by Black acitivists, White supporters, churches, and organizations.

What is the Abolitionist Movement? 


Secured the permanent abolition of slavery in the U.S.

What is the 13th Amendment? 


This revolt led by Charles Deslondes led up to 500 enslaved people to revolt in the U.S and violetly supressed.

What is the Louisiana Revolt of 1811?


This women was the first black women to publish a political manifesto, one of the first to American women to give a public speech, and she contributed to the first wave of the feminist movemement.

Who was Maria Stewart?


These Black nationalist promoted unity, self- determination, pride, and promoted moving back out of the U.S. into Central, South America, the West Indies, and West Africa. 

Who were emigrationalists? 


Authorized local governments to legally kidnap and return escaped refugees to their enslavers. One passed in 1793 and another in 1850.

What are the Fugitive Slave Acts?


Marks the end of slavery in Texas in 1865 and early celebrations were singing spirituals, wearing new clothing, feasting, and dancing. 

What is Juneteeth?


In 1841 this enslaved person who was also a cook led a revolt on this slave ship Creole that transported enslaved people from VA to New Orleans. He sailed the ship to the Bahamas and 130 enslaved people gained freedom.

Who was Madison Washington? 


This enslvaed person led a maroon community in wars against the Spanish in Panama in the 16th century. 

Who was Bayano?

This well known anti-emmigrationist and abolitionist believed in having "birthright citizenship" and saw abolition as the only way to achieve full integration into American society as an African American man.  

Who was Frederick Douglass? 


This women is known as a conductor of the Underground Railroad, sang spirituals, led military operation and was a spy and nurse for the Union army during the Civil War. 

Who is Harriet Tubman? 


These 2 methods preserved an achive of the participation, diginity, and sacrifice if Black soldiers and communities during the Civil War. 

What is poetry and photography?


List 2 free Black insitutions were they provided a place for African Americans during a time where they were not accepeted in the rest of the country. 

What are mutual aid societies, black schools, businesses, and independent churches?


This person created maroon communities in Jamaica (British rule).

Who is Queen Nanny? 


This tactic was used by people who wanted to convince others that slavery was morally bad and would pass out pamphlets and give speeches.  Frederick Douglass used this method. 

What is moral suasion? 


This abolitionist woman raised money by selling her "carte-de-visites", spoke at tours and recruited Black soldiers for the Union.

Who was Sojourner Truth?


List 3 Black contributions to the Union. 

What are fighting in the war, women participating as cooks, nurses, laundresses, spies, and abolitionists. 
