What is the name of the artwork from 1070 CE that is shaped like a snake?
Great Serpent Mound
artworks tend to be more ritual objects than representations for the audience
Olowe of Ise is the creator of
Veranda Post of Enthroned King and Wife
Islamic mosques and buildings are designed to
glorify the power of Islam
What influences from other places does The Great Temple have in its great colonnade?
Greek & Roman influence
what is the main material of BASIN (BAPTISTÈRE IN ST. LOUIS)
The ceremonial performance with a mask is also known as
What artworks from unit 5 are from Ancient Measoamerica?
Templo Mayor
Ruler's Feather Headdress.
The Portrait Mask, or Mblo, were Commissioned by
men only at ceremonial dances to represent the honor of women and connect with their supernatural spirits.
The artistic traditions of the indigenous Americas exhibit general features and content that emphasizes...
stylistic focus on the essence rather than the appearance of subjects
What characteristic is essential in the architecture of Chavín de Huántar?
Its network of underground channels and special acoustics sounds.
KIVAS refers to
The architecturally unique circular rooms that served as both residences and ceremonial space for the Puebloan people
What year is the Maize Cobs?
1440 - 1533 CE
What artwork focuses attention on power and wisdom through hierarchy scale?
Veranda Post of Enthroned King and Wife
the Painted Elk Hide tells the story of
Sun Dance to the Creator Deity for the bounty of the earth
The Kaaba is located at
La Meca, Arabia Saudita
Who do not have a term to refer to art?
The Bamana Peoples from West Africa
What monumental statues were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001?
Buddha Bamiyan
the nose ornament: Hammered Gold Alloy was used for
lite person who would use it for his loyalty to the Chavin religion, power and wealth
what does the THE COURT OF GAYUMARS emphasizes?
a story from the Shahnama, the Book of Kings in Persian.
The Great Mosque of Isfahan (Iran, 11th-17th centuries) is known for having aesthetic elements such as
The extensive use of geometric tile decoration
Large design element located in the very center of the rug's field
Which indigenous culture emphasized surviving and interacting with challenging environments?
the ancient Central Andes the region now encompassing most of Peru and significant parts of Ecuador, Bolivia, northern Chile, and northwestern Argentina.
What was the work of art that was used as representation and intentions to sell to the public?
Black-on-Black Ceramic Vessel
which artwork embodies and protect the spirit of the Ashante peoples (South-Central Ghana)
the Golden Stool, sika dwa ko