Ancient Near East & Egypt
Ancient Greece
Ancient Etruria/Rome
Indigenous Americas

Stonehenge used this method of construction in which 2 posts support a horizontal beam.

What is post-and-lintel?

A type of floor plan that incorporates 2 or more angular changes of direction, characteristic of Sumerian architecture.

What is bent-axis?


During the High Classical period (450 - 400 BCE), this piece served as the template for the perfect statue.

What is the Doryphoros?


This term means super realistic and was used for portraits of old men from distinguished families during the Republic.

What is verism/veristic?


The last emperor to rule over the Aztec Empire before its fall in 1521.

Who is Motecuhzoma II?


A type of perspective that compiles two different views into a single image.

What is composite-view/twisted perspective?


This work of narrative art commemorates the unification between Upper and Lower Egypt circa 3000 BCE.

What is King Narmer's Palette?


During this artistic period, sculptors explored new subjects and treated traditional subjects in novel ways.

What is the Hellenistic Period?


A type of townhouse occupied by the upper classes during the Republican and Imperial eras.

What is a domus?


A mound of earth in the form of a bird or animal, known to have been built by the Mississippian peoples.

What is an effigy-mound?

This piece of art is thought to have been created as a pestle and was used for ritualistic purposes in Papua New Guinea.
What is the Ambum Stone?

An architectural feature that refers to a high section of wall that contains windows above eye level for lighting purposes.

What is a clerestory?


A type of covered walkway featuring a wall on one side and a colonnade on the other.

What is a stoa?


Instead of marble pediment statuary, the Etruscans used this form of statuary to decorate the roof.

What is terracotta?


The most sacred shrine of the Inka, located at the heart of the hurin precinct of Cusco and dedicated to the worship of Inti, the sun god.

What is the Qorikancha?


A carved jade disc found in funerary contexts, thought to represent both heaven and earth.

What is a cong?


A short-lived artistic revolution during which organic curves and anecdotal content replaced the rigid lines and impassive stillness of earlier Egyptian art.

What is the Amarna period?


An altar decorated with the gigantomachy, thought to allude to the Attalids' victory against the Gauls.

What is the Great Altar of Zeus and Athena?


A large marble sarcophagus, almost entirely filled with carvings of overlapping figures which are thought to represent the Romans' battle against the Goths.

What is the Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus?


A Maya king who commissioned several lintels at Yaxchilan that featured his wife, Lady Xoc, in order to affirm his right to rule.

Who is Shield Jaguar II?


A plateau in southwestern Algeria known to contain dozens of prehistoric rock art sites; Running Horned Woman was found here.

What is Tassili n'Ajjer?


An Assyrian fortified palace in modern-day Turkey, guarded by sculptures of winged-bull-men.

What is the Palace of Sargon II?


An association of Greek city-states whose purpose was to continue fighting the Persian Empire and whose funds were appropriated for the Acropolis' rebuilding.

What is the Delian League?


Under this emperor's rule, the Colosseum was first built (though it wasn't finished).

Who is Emperor Vespasian?


The twin temples of the Templo Mayor's stepped pyramid are representative of these two mountains.

What are the Hills of Coatepec and Sustenance?
