Cell communication
Signal Transduction
Cell Cycle
Cell Cycle & Regulation

The 3 types of cell communication

cell-to-cell (direct) contact, short distance (paracrine), long distance (endocrine)


These are the chemicals, such as epinephrine, that bind to external receptors and cause changes in a cell

What are ligands?


This is a set of internal stable conditions organisms maintain

What is Homeostasis?


The phase of the cell cycle most cells are in. This includes G1, S, and G2.

What is Interphase?


The cell will enter the G0 phase if...

It does not pass the G1 checkpoint


Nitric Oxide, when released by a cell, has the ability to relax cells nearby. This is best described as

paracrine signaling


This is the protein that when activated by cAMP helps phosphorylate other molecules. It has a regulatory and excitatory portions.

What is a protein kinase?


This type of feedback maintains a set point and goes against the stimulus’s change.

What is negative feedback?


This is the part of the cell cycle when DNA is duplicated.

What is S phase?


At which checkpoint does the cell check for damage after DNA replication has taken place?

What is the G2 checkpoint?


What type of cell communication are neurotransmitters present in

short distance communication 


This is phosphorylated by adenylyl cyclase and will bind to the regulatory portion of the protein kinase.

What is cAMP?


Fruits make ethylene when they ripen, which causes more fruit to ripen, leading to more ethylene. This is an example of a type of feedback loop

What is positive feedback loop?


The portion of the M phase that follows mitosis and separates the cytoplasm.

What is cytokinesis?


The two main chemicals that help regulate the cell cycle.

What are cyclins and cdks?


Describe the difference in the way plant and animal cells perform direct contact cell communication.

plant cells has plasmodesmata and animal cells have gap junctions.


These types of ligands can pass through the membrane and do not need an external receptor.
(2 Qualities)

What are small and nonpolar?


After eating, your blood sugar increases. Insulin is released, signaling to your cells to take sugar from the blood. This lowers your blood sugar back to normal.

What is a negative feedback loop?


The three stages of interphase 

G1, S, G2


a) Identify and describe two external cell cycle regulators

b) describe how cancer cells are able to evade regulators

Growth factors

stimulate cell growth/cancer cells produce too many hormones and have excessive growth

contact/density inhibition:

cells have receptors that detect the presence of other cells to stop growth/cancer cells avoid these signals and continue to grow

anchorage dependence: cells rely on attachment to other cells or extracellular matrix in order to continue growth/cancer cells do not need to be anchored, which allows them to metastasize. 


Bacteria release signals when they sense other bacteria. As the number of bacteria increases, the bacteria releases more signals.

What is quorum sensing?


What are 2 possible results from a signal transduction pathway?

1. altered membrane permeability

2. control of gene expression

3. change in metabolic activity 


______________ is the reduction of the functionality of an organ with the decreasing number of cells or the volume (and mass), whereas ___________ is the increase in the volume of cells (and mass).

What is atrophy and hypertrophy?


Using the small whiteboard, draw and label a chromosome with the following identified:

a) centromere

b) kinetochore

c) sister chromatid


Explain why cancer cells have the unique ability to metastasize.

Cancer cells can metastasize, or travel and spread to other tissue, because of their ability to survive without anchorage dependence.
