Exponential Population Growth
Logistic Population Growth
Factors affecting Population Growth

This type of scientist uses idealized models to investigate how the size of a particular population may change over time under different conditions.

What is population ecologist?


The factors that restrict population growth and ultimately control the number of individuals that can occupy a habitat.

What are limiting factors?


True or false:

Density-dependent factors, such as interspecific competition, are limiting factors whose intensity is related to population density and can limit growth in natural populations.

What is true?


Exponential population growth described the expansion of a population in an __ with an abundance of resources.

What is ideal environment?


Name all five main segments of a logistic growth mode, in order, from the bottom up.

What is lag phase, exponential growth, maximum population growth, deceleration, and carrying capacity?


In a forest ecosystem, a population of deer is regulated by both food availability and natural disasters. During periods of food scarcity, competition among deer increases, leading to higher mortality rates. However, a sudden wildfire drastically reduces the population, regardless of the deer density prior to the disaster. Which major theme is illustrated by the combined effects of food scarcity and the wildfire on the deer population?

a) The relationship of structure to function

b) Information flow

c) Pathways that transform energy and matter

d) Interactions within biological systems

e) Evolution

What is interactions within biological systems?


The sodium-potassium pump is a membrane protein that uses energy from ATP to transport sodium ions out of a cell and potassium ions into the cell. This active transport is essential for maintaining proper cell function, including nerve impulse transmission. • Which major theme is illustrated by this action?

Which two majors themes are illustrated by this action?

a) The relationship of structure to function

b) Information flow

c) Pathways that transform energy and matter

d) Interactions within biological systems

e) Evolution

What is the relationship of structure to function and pathways that transform energy and matter?


Ecologists hypothesize the following regarding selection for organisms exhibiting equilibrial life history patterns.

What is that selection for organisms exhibiting equilibrial life history patterns occurs in environments where the population size is at or near carrying capacity?


A tropical savanna undergoes a major drought (density-independent) while an invasive density-dependent predator preys on native primary producers. What is the likely combined effect on the savanna's overall biodiversity and why?

What is biodiversity will decline due to habitat stress from the drought and increased predation pressure on primary producers, affecting the entire food web?
