Course Overview & Materials
Grading Policies
Late Assignments
Academic Integrity
Expectations, Lateness and Leaving

This "Big Idea & Enduring Understanding" from the College Board curriculum examines as a text's lines of reasoning and claims as well as its integration of evidence.

What is Reasoning and Organization (REO)?


Journal checks fall under this category as well as the majority of your graded work in class outside of assessments.

What is Performance-Based Learning?


These assignments will not be accepted late.

What is homework & classwork?


As long as you have received permission from the teacher and you are putting in joint intellectual effort, this is not considered academic dishonesty.

What is collaboration?


This is the number of students permitted out of the classroom at a time.

What is one?


Excerpts will be taken from this text in comicbook form which is written by a variety of authors and will help develop our knowledge of rhetoric.

What is Understanding Rhetoric: a Graphic Guide to Writing?


This category includes some non-graded assignments as well as class participation and attendance and will mostly be graded based upon a percentage earned on a rubric.

What is Classwork & Participation?


You will not be able to make-up work missed during this kind of absence.

What is cutting or unexcused?


It's not just copying someone else's assignment that's considered cheating, but also doing this.

What is giving an assignment to a student to be copied?


Lengthy periods out of class, multiple visits out the class per week and reports of being in restricted areas will result in this.

What is being barred from leaving the class?


This supply item will be provided by the teacher for use as a writing journal.

What is a composition book?


Revised writing assignments, unit assessments, and projects fall under the Tests & Assessments category with is worth this percentage of your grade.

What is 40%?

Major assignments that are turned in late will have this percentage deducted from their grade for each day late.

What is 10%?


In order to avoid plagiarism, you should always do these two things when using someone else's words.

What is put quotation marks around them and give the writer or speaker credit by citing the source?


This behavior will result in detention for makeup missed class time, parent/guardian contact, and loss of pass privileges.

What is consistent late arrivals?


This is the only electronic device allowed in the classroom and it must be brought to class everyday.

 What is your school-issued chromebook?


This category may only be worth a small percentage but failure to complete these assignments will have a negative impact on grades in other categories as well. 

What is Homework?


If you are absent from class, you must come during this time to get missing work from the teacher.

What is outside of class (during office hours)?


Using AI to write a paper or using entire paragraphs suggested by an app without citation is considered this.

What is an inappropriate use of GAI?


Students will not be permitted to leave the classroom for this.

What is go to their lockers?


The focus of this course will be on these kinds of texts, rather than the genre of novels, short stories, and plays.

What is non-fiction?


All assignments submitted in the class should include these three things.

What is your name, the class period, and the date?


Any missing or late work (excluding homework and classwork) will not be accepted after this time, barring prior communication with the teacher.

What is 5 days after the due date?


In addition to loss of points and required resubmission of an assignment for partial credit, this is another possible consequences for academic dishonity.

What is detention, parent notification or further disciplinary action?


In addition to following all schoolwide norms, students are expected to follow these classroom expectations.

What are be responsible, respectful, resourceful & ready?
