9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
The leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work
What is a Protagonist
An ethical and philosophical system developed from the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius
What is Confucianism
An account of a person's life written by that person
What is an Autobiography
A lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject, often elevated in style or manner and written in varied or irregular meter
What is an Ode
A major form of Japanese verse, written in 17 syllables divided into 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables, and employing highly evocative allusions and comparisons, often on the subject of nature or one of the seasons
What is a Haiku
The use of words to express something other than and especially the opposite of the literal meaning
What is Irony
The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words
What is Alliteration
The doctrine that kings derives their authority from God, not from their subjects
What is Divine Right of Kings
A part of an actor's lines supposedly not heard by others on the stage and intended only for the audience
What is an Aside
A statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true
What is a Paradox
A literary movement in the 1920s that centered on Harlem and was an early manifestation of black consciousness in the US. The movement included writers such as Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston
What is the Harlem Renaissance
A long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation
What is an Epic
A record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation
What is a Memoir
A metaphor is a figure of speech that constructs an analogy between two things or ideas
What is an Extended Metaphor
The belief widely held by Americans in the 19th century that the United States was destined to expand across the continent
What is Manifest Destiny
An imagined place or state in which everything is unpleasant or bad, typically a totalitarian or environmentally degraded one
What is a Dystopia
A piece of literature describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force that has a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion, which excites pity or terror
What is Tragic Illumination
A narrative device used in literature to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind
What is Stream of Consciousness
An artistic work consisting of a medley of pieces taken from various sources
What is a Pastiche
A pause near the middle of a line
What is a Caesura