Frederich Nietzche
- Nihilism
Logical Positivism
Humans are free, life is full of possibilities
Ruhr Crisis
Germany had to pay, they couldn't, so Ruhr people stopped working and France and Belgium stormed
Functionalism in Architecture
Building to serve a purpose, Bauhuas
Modern Girl
Women were smoking, voting, don't need men
Marie Curie
-Discovered neutrons, protons, electrons
- Heidegger, Sartre, Camus
Kellog-Briandt Pact
Every state that signed had to stop and give up on war
Breaking down art into lines and shapes, Picasso
Sigmund Freud
Id:irrational unconscious controlled by sexual and aggressive intentions
Ego: conscious, controls what we do
Super Ego: moral values
belief that life is pointless
Great Depression
Started Oct 29, 1929
Stock Market crashed
Lasted 10 years, was horrible all around the world
- Outrageous art that proved human nature is crazy
New Deal
WPA, Social Security, created eight million jobs
If Germany fell, all of Europe will, lower Ger reparations
Dawes Plan
U.S. loans $ to Germany, Germany pays off debt to Allies, Allies pay debt back to U.S.
Welfare Socialism
Scandinavian solution to GD
people paid higher taxes but gov provided stuff for them like school and health care
Led Germany to lessen tensions with France, helped them recover econ.
Black Tuesday
The day the GD started and stock market fell
Life is more to it then what you see, Van Gogh and Matisse
Popular Front
France communist and socialist, failed cus of inflation