The three greatest artists of the High Renaissance.
Who is Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael?
The literal meaning of the word "Renaissance."
What is rebirth?
This peace ended the Thirty Years' War.
What is the Peace of Westphalia?
At this meeting of German nobility in 1521, Holy Roman Emperor Charles V questioned Luther, who refused to recant and was subsequently placed under ban.
What is the Diet of Worms?
French in origin, this word describes a leader who puts the interests of their country first, as Henry IV did when he converted to Catholicism in 1593 to win Paris and reunify France.
What is politique?
Inspired by Luther's 95 Theses, this man built a Christian theocracy in Zurich, Switzerland. He denied all sacraments, questioned excommunication, and rejected the veneration of saints and monks.
Who is Ulrich Zwingli?
This man is considered by many to be the founder of Humanism.
Who is Francesco Petrarch?
This French minister and politique, who ran France on behalf of baby Louis XIII, notably supported Protestant Swedes in the Thirty Years' War pour raisons d'etat, namely concerns about the increase of Habsburg strength in Germany.
Who is Cardinal Richelieu?
Through this piece of legislation from 1598, Henry IV granted Huguenots freedom of worship, assembly, and the right to make fortified towns.
What is the Edict of Nantes?
The first Bourbon king of France.
Who is Henry of Navarre/King Henry IV?
The leading Christian humanist of the Northern Renaissance who criticized the Catholic Church's corruption and inspired the Protestant Reformation. His works include Adages, In Praise of Folly, and Handbook of the Christian Knight.
Who is Desiderius Erasmus?
This man proved in 1440 that Donation of Constantine, supposedly written by Constantine (the first Christian Emperor of Rome), could not have been written by him because it used the word fief.
Who is Lorenzo Valla?
Nicknamed the "father of modern warfare," this man led Sweden into the Thirty Years' War.
Who is Gustavus Adolphus?
This decree in 1356 formally defined the practice of electing the emperor of the Holy Roman Emperor by seven German princes.
What is the Golden Bull of Emperor Charles IV?
In this Mediterranean battle in 1571, fleets of Spain, Venice, and the Papal State decisively defeated the Ottoman Empire in the last great sea battle involving galleys.
What is the Battle of Lepanto?
The leading Christian humanist of England, this lawyer notably wrote Utopia in 1516, criticized his society and church, and was later executed for refusing to accept Henry VIII as the head of the Church of England.
Who is Sir Thomas More?
This versatile German artist notably created woodcuts to support Luther's doctrinal revolution. Illiterate peasants were moved more by this man's art than by Luther's texts.
Who is Albrecht Dürer?
In the years after this 1620 Bavarian/Habsburg military victory, Frederick the Calvinist Elector of the Palatinate became known as the Winter King, and lost Bohemia and the Palatinate.
What is the Battle of White Mountain?
This piece of legislation outlawed Calvinism in the Holy Roman Empire, required Lutherans to turn over any property seized since 1552, and led Gustavus Adolphus to enter Sweden into the Thirty Years' War.
What is the Edict of Restitution?
Founded by Cosimo d'Medici in the early 1460s, this institution merged Platonic philosophy with Christianity to create Neoplatonism.
What is the Florentine Platonic Academy?
In 1517, Albert of Hohenzollern (Prussia) was offered the Archbishopric of Mainz. He had to raise 10,000 ducats, so he borrowed the money from the greatest banking family of the 16th century, the ___________.
Who is the Fuggers?
This piece of literature published in 1528 by Baldassare Castiglione strove to describe the idea man of the age: one knew several languages, was familiar with classical literature, and skilled in the arts (a Renaissance man).
What is The Book of the Courtier?
In one of the bloodiest battles of the Thirty Years' War, this industrial German town was sacked in 1631 by Tilly, killing over 20,000 Protestants.
What is Magdeburg?
This piece of legislation in 1534 recognized the King of England as the Supreme Head of the Church of England.
What is the Act of Supremacy?
Unhappy with the prevailing political and economic order in Florence, the popolo staged a violent struggle against the local government in this 1378 rebellion.
What is the Ciompi Revolt?