This major banking family is credited with starting the Renaissance in Florence.
Who are the Medici?
Considered the link between the Renaissance and Reformation, this Christian humanist wrote "In Praise of Folly."
Who was Desiderius Erasmus?
The rise of Mercantilism led to personal wealth growing and the rise of capitalism. With this new economic idea this allowed for the prominence of the middle class, also called this french word.
What is Bourgeoisie?
These two types of reasoning allowed for rational thinking to transform 17th and 18th century European intellectualism.
What are inductive and deductive reasoning?
These are the three estates of the Old Regime.
What are the Clergy, Nobility, and Everyone else?
This artistic style known for dramatic works of art that attempted to reestablish faith in the Catholic Church. It used drama and tenebrism with large amounts of ornamental decoration.
What is Baroque?
The Incan and Aztec Empires were conquered by these two conquistadores.
Who are Francisco Pizarro (Inca) and Hernan Cortez (Aztec)?
Luther's greatest defense of his 95 Theses, a document against the Catholic sale of indulgences, came at the event after his excommunication by Pope Leo X, and is where he gave he said, "Here I stand I can do no other" to Holy Roman Emperor Charles V.
What was the Diet of Worms (1521)?
This palindromic list of five leaders takes you from Mary Queen of Scots to William III of Orange, and helps you describe the line of succession for the early 17th century England.
Who are James I, Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, Charles II, and James II?
After Copernicus, the Laws of Planetary Motion from this scientist, allowed for Galileo's later observations to provide defense for heliocentrism against Pope Urban VII.
Who is Johannes Kepler?
On a summer evening, now a French Holiday, King Louis XVI wrote in his diary "Nothing happened." This violent event proves the irony of this statement.
What is the Storming of the Bastille (July 14, 1789)?
"The Monk by the Sea" by Caspar David Friedrich encapsulated this artistic style that focuses on the natural beauty of nature and following one's passions and emotions.
What is Romanticism?
These four renaissance artists created fantastic works such as the "Last Supper", "The Pieta", "The School of Athens", and "David". They are also considered the pinnacles of Renaissance men, finding success in not just one area of discipline, but across many mediums.
Who are Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo Buonarotti, and Donato di Donatello?
These two Swiss reformers are responsible for the prominence of Huguenots, Presbyterians, Puritans, and the Reformed movement. Their main differences with Luther fell in the beliefs in double predestination, the symbolic view of communion, and a less hierarchical view of church polity.
Who were Ulrich Zwingli and Jean Calvin?
After the establishment of the Romanov dynasty by Ivan the Terrible, Russian monarch Peter was called "the Great" because of his attempt to do this to Russia.
What is Westernize/Modernize?
Who was John Locke and Tabula Rasa?
This was the Austrian Leader of the Congress of Vienna. A staunch believer in conservatism, he is said to be "a rock of order."
Who was Klemens von Metternich?
The United States Capitol Building is an excellent example of this artistic style. It focuses on rigid geometry as a way of portraying reason and structure.
What is Neoclassicism?
His Book of the Courtier (1528), which emphasized renaissance humanism and the betterment of oneself in the service of their prince, is often considered a pinnacle example of Renaissance literature.
Who was Baldassare de Castiglione?
The St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, Spanish Armada, War of Three Henry's, and the Dutch Revolt (80 Years' War) all culminated in the Thirty Years' War and the Peace of Westphalia which ended the last great this.
What are Wars of Religion.
These two French mandates are opposites, although coming from the same ruling family, and were given 98 years apart.
What are the Edicts of Nantes (1598) and Fontainebleau (1685)?
This philosophe wrote The Spirit of Laws and is foundational to organizing the United States Constitution. He also said that England has the best form of government.
Who was Baron de Montesquieu?
These are the three leaders of the French Revolution. One of their murder's by Charlotte Corday was immortalized in a French Painting by Jacques Louis David. This then brought about the Reign of Terror until the Thermidorian Reaction of 1794.
Who are Jean Paul Marat, Georges-Jacques Danton, and Maximilien Robespierre?
"The Girl with the Pearl Earring" painted by this artist is a great example of the Dutch Golden Age and is referred to as the "Mona Lisa of the North."
Who was Johannes "Jan" Vermeer?
This agreement made shortly after the voyages of Columbus worked out well for the Spanish and Portuguese, but was not well received by the rest of the world.
What was the Treaty of Tordesillas?
Due to the Act of Supremacy (and his lady troubles), these this king and two queens are the direct monarchical successors to King Henry VIII of England.
Who were King Edward VI, "Bloody" Mary I, and Elizabeth I?
King Louis XVI attempted to install his grandson as the King of Spain in the war of Spanish Succession. While Louis got his wish, this treaty said the Spanish and French thrones could never unite.
What was the Treaty of Utrecht (1713)?
Scottish economist Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776) and use of the term "Laissez Faire" is often referred to the birth of this type of philosophe. It was really popularized and started by French physician François Quesney. This school of thought's name is derived from the idea of economics having a natural order without government interference.
Who are the physiocrats?
Before his great defeat in Russia (1812), and the dual surrenders at the Battles of Nations (1813) and Waterloo (1815), newly crowned Emperor Napoleon I won this "perfect battle" in 1805 and built himself the Arc de Triomphe (pictured above).
What was the Battle of Austerlitz?
This artistic style epitomized by large ambitious, complex, and dramatic architecture, while still keeping principles of roman geometry.
What is mannerism?