No, no, I'm not talking about that rock band with the flutist. I'm talking about the guy who invented the seed drill.
Jethro Tull.
Francis Bacon and Descartes didn't agree on many things, even in their methods or "reasoning" if something was true or not. What method of reasoning did they each use?
Bacon: Inductive. (Up-top logic).
Descartes: Deductive reasoning. (Down-top logic).
Charles VI of Austria was the father of Maria Theresa and would create this document to let his daughter be heir to the throne.
The Pragmatic Sanction.
He wrote Wealth of Nations and believed in Laisses Faire. He would become recognized as the father of Capitalism.
Adam Smith.
It was created at the end of the Napoleonic wars and at the start of the Age of Metternich. It sought to maintain the status quo through collective action and adherence to conservatism. It was similar to the League of Nations, and no, there was no music. It wasn't that kind of "Concert".
Concert of Europe.
He instituted crop rotation so no field was left fallow, and replenished the soil.
Charles Townsend.
When it came to the Eurcharist, Martin Luther, Zwingli, and the entirety of the Roman Catholic Church could not agree on how it worked. They each had different ideas, what were they?
Luther: Consubstantiation.
Zwingli: Symbolism.
Roman Catholic Church: Transubstantiation.
It was set up to teach children who had jobs on week days in Britain. Many religions took it to the next level and would create private schools.
British Sunday School Movement.
He had the idea for the Economic Table. He wanted to limit the taxes on the productive classes, like farmers and have higher taxes on less productive classes including the unproductive nobles.
Francois Quesnay.
It was created by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It was supposed to be the perfect government structure.
He was a French Philosopher who wrote Encyclopédie.
Denis Diderot.
He was a major skeptic on if (a) God exists.
David Hume.
He pushed for animal husbandry to produce healthier animals.
Robert Bakewell.
He wrote, On Crime and Punishment. His major ideas were that the laws of man should relate to natural laws, including no torture and no capital punishment. He argued that laws and punishment was to prevent future crimes rather than arbitrary concerns like the church.
Robert Owens.
He was a German Marxist who started the German Socialist Democratic Party.
August Bebel.
Rousseau believed in this idea that meant if you did not agree with the popular opinion then you need to be re-educated. Although this sounds like the idea of democracy, it would actually become socialism.
General Will.
He was a German Economist who stated that government should be involved in capitalistic society. As well as this he claimed that the government should put the economic prowess or skill of a nation over an individual.
Friedrich List.
He came up with checks and balances, plus separation of power.
He is said to be the father of utilitarianism and fought against the harshness of British poor laws.
Jeremy Bentham.
She learned how to inoculate (immunize) against smallpox.
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.
She was a radical Marxist who would leave the German Socialist Party to eventually find the Communist Party of Germany.
Clara Zetkin.
Daily Double.
Marquis de Condorcet
He came up with the theory of diminishing returns and thus preached economic liberalism.
Anne Roberts Jacques Turgot.
He recognized that the mode of change was not in ideas but in governmental power. He proposed universal male suffrage with the hopes that socialist ideas would take hold through elections.
Louis Blanc.