French Art
French Women
France at War
French Thinking
This composer, who was half Polish, wrote Romantic etudes and polonaise to celebrate his homeland.
Who was Chopin?
One of the most notable women of the Enlightenment, she was Voltaire's confidant and translated Newton's dense work.
Who was Chatelet?
This century long conflict saw the protracted struggle between Norman England and the French over Western French territory, in which Jean de Arc led the final, successful offensive.
What was the Hundred Years War?
These Enlightenment thinkers sought to limit the role of superstition and to orient society more along the lines of the emerging knowledge of the Scientific Revolution.
Who were the philosophes?
Napoleon's great contribution to the legal structure which sits alongside common law as the key justice models for the world.
What is the Civil Code or Napoleonic Code?
This Romantic artist, considered the "father of modern art" to the French anyway, painted some of the most stirring images of 19th century revolts.
Who was Delacroix?
This young Austrian lost her head over the world outside Versailles.
Who was Marie Antoinette?
France's great strategic enemy in the Early Modern era, in which northern Italy was often the battleground.
What was Austria?
Quesnay was the figurehead of this school of economic liberals who, paradoxically, sought to privilege agriculture and admired aspects of the Chinese model.
Who were the physiocrats?
The revolutionary slave uprising on this Caribbean island forced a Napoleonic reconquest and a return to slavery in the Empire.
What was Haiti or Saint Domingue?
This great modernist painter, who painted some of the most notable Realist figures--including Emile Zola--frequently courted scandal with Olympia and The Luncheon on the Grass.
Who was Manet?
This early feminist wrote "Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen" in 1791 to address the regression of women under the Revolutionary government.
Who was Olympe de Gouges?
Napoleon saw the end of his remarkable run in outside this small Belgian village.
What was Waterloo?
This Enlightenment apostate had a conversion experience of the road to Vincennes--becoming the main influence of Romantics--and wrote some of the most famous works of the 18th century, including the Emile, Julie, The Social Contract, and The Discourse on Inequality.
Who was Rousseau?
This backlash against both the aristocratic order in the provinces and the uncertainty surrounding events at Versailles in 1789 blighted the early stages of the French Revolution.
What was the Great Fear?
The 19th modernist art movement in painting that sought to capture something beyond realism and used increasingly more abstract techniques, and featured Monet and van Gogh.
What was Impressionism?
This 14th century writer almost single-handedly initiated the Querelles des Femmes.
Who was Christine de Pisan?
The French invaded this north African territory in 1830 and would only be driven out in the early 1960s.
What was Algeria?
The famous wit Voltaire wrote this novel following the great Lisbon Earthquake, attacking the philosophy of Leibniz.
What was Candide?
This breakfast staple, usually known as pain perdu in France, is sautéed bread dipped in egg and covered in sugar.
What is French toast.
This art critic and poet would coin the term "modernity" and write his opus "Fleurs du mal."
What was Baudelaire?
This bourgeois preoccupation with gender roles limited women to the private sphere.
What was the cult of domesticity?
This brief conflict saw a united Germany proclaimed at its conclusion in the halls of Versailles.
What was the Franco-Prussian War?
This 19th century conservative would compose the "Generative Principle of Political Constitutions and other Human Institutions" and would be the inspiration for so many French reactionaries that followed.
Who was Joseph de Maistre?
The greatest sport in the world and the national sport of France.
What is Rugby Union?