Key Figures
Judicial Cases

What is the 10th Amendment?

Any power not given to the federal government by the Constitution belongs to the states or the people.


Who is John Locke and why is he important?

He laid much of the groundwork for the Enlightenment and made central contributions to the development of liberalism.


What is something that can be described as Constitutional?

A set of standards or principles by which an organization, such as a government, is to be governed. 


What was the Brown V. Board of Education Case?

It was a case where people were discussing whether or not having segregated schools is unconstitutional or not.


What prompted Shay's Rebellion to occur?

Monetary Debt Crisis


What amendment appealed another amendment?

The 21st Amendment appealed the 18th Amendment.

What was so important about the book "Common Sense"?

It argued for independence from Britain which helped inspire the colonists to rebel against the British.


Why was Check and Balances created?

To keep the power of the government in check and make sure no singular branch would become more popular than another branch.


Which supreme court case ruled that laws banning interracial marriage violates the 14th Amendment?

Loving v. Virginia


Why did the Bill of Rights replace the Articles of the Constitution?

The Articles of the Constitution was redundant and limited the power of the government too much to the point that the government was basically useless and couldn't enforce any of their own laws and could only rely on the state governments.


What amendment was added to give people the right to fend off and kill bears back when America was infested with them?

The 2nd Amendment gives you the right to bear arms. (W America)


What did Thomas Jefferson do during the American Revolutionary War?

He served as a diplomat for America and was able to negotiate the Treaty of Paris which officially ended the American Revolutionary War.


What Government position requires you to serve it for your whole life?

Federal Judge in the Judicial Branch.


Which Judicial Case is considered the worst decision ever made by the Supreme Court?

Dred Scott V. Sandford Case.


What did the Americans during an event now known as the Boston Tea Party?

They dressed up as Native Americans and tossed all of the tea into the river.


What amendment outlawed slavery?

The 13th Amendment.


Who was the face of the revolutionary war on the Confederates side and got himself his now famous nickname from all of his engagements during the war, but was killed by his own men?

Stonewall Jackson (Full Name: Thomas Jonathan Jackson)


What is the difference between Dual Federalism and Cooperative Federalism?

Dual Federalism is where the state government and the federal government are separated and they do stuff in their own "layer", whereas in Cooperative Federalism, both governments work together on the same topics and don't delegate manpower to only certain things. 


What case overturned the Plessy V. Ferguson case?

Brown V. Board of Education overturned the Plessy V. Ferguson Case.


What did Abraham Lincolns death introduce that we still use in the modern world?

Abraham Lincoln's death introduced a new technique called "Embalming" which was used to keep his body preserved properly as he was paraded around the United States on railway.


Which amendment came after the 3/5th's compromise to help resolve it and make things right for the slaves by giving them a full vote? 

The 15th Amendment.


Who was the one who rode on horseback to help warn the revolutionary army that the Redcoats were approaching them during the British invasion of 1775?

Paul Revere.


Why do state and local governments prefer block grants?

Block grants allow the state and local governments to keep their autonomy, whereas the other two grants let the federal government impose some control over the state and local governments.


What Judicial Case gave rise to an act that police officers have to say before making an arrest on a person they deem suspicious?

Miranda v. Arizona


Who was the aggravator in the Boston Massacre according to documentation?

The colonists were the ones who started the Boston Massacre and led to the British Redcoats firing upon the crowd of Americans.
