Environment, Health, and Human Services
Civil Rights
Labor and Education
Gov Operations and Campaigns
Potent Potables
This act requires the federal government to protect threatened animal populations regardless of economic impacts.
What is the Endangered Species Act (1973)?
This clause of the 14th Amendment is the foundation for civil rights issues.
What is the equal protection clause?
This act required states to set "high academic standards" and support all students in meeting those standards.
What was the No Child Left Behind Act (2001)?
This prohibits government employees from participation in partisan politics.
What is the Hatch Act?
This event paved the way for the Patriot Act, which reduced restrictions on government intelligence gathering.
What is 9/11?
These two acts from the 1970s attempted to combat natural resource pollutants.
What are the Clean Air Act (1970) and the Clean Water Act (1972)?
The Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) requires employers to make these for the disabled.
What are reasonable accommodations?
AKA the Wagner Act, this allows for collective bargaining between employee unions and administration.
What is the National Labor Relations Act (1947)?
This stipulated that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit.
What is the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act (1883)? (aka the Pendleton Act)
This permits voter registration when applying for a driver's license in hope of increasing participation in elections.
What is the Motor Voter Act (1993)?
AKA "Obamacare," this requires citizens to have "affordable" health insurance.
What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)?
These two acts were passed during the mid-1960s to target African American discrimination in public accommodations, jobs, and suffrage.
What are the Civil Rights Act (1964) and the Voting Rights Act (1965)?
As education is not addressed in the Constitution, it falls to the states and is this type of power.
What is a Reserved Power?
This allowed Congress to meet its own budget goals and be less reliant on the president's budget.
What is the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Act (1974)?
This act requires impact statements fro development projects.
What is the National Environment Policy Act (1969)?
This created healthcare services for the poor.
What is Medicaid?
This act defined hate crimes as those targeting people for race, religion, orientation, etc. and gave more power to the states to prosecute them.
What is the Shepard-Byrd Hate Crimes Act (2009)?
This required that schools provide girls with equal opportunities in athletics and all aspects of education.
What is Title IX of the educational Amendment (1972)?
This created limits on campaign spending, attempted to limit contributions, required campaign finance disclosure, and established the FEC.
What is the Federal Election Campaign Act (1974)?
Aka the "Welfare Reform Act," it amended federal cash assistance to the poor and added a workforce development component.
What is the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (1996)?
This act provides for unpaid, job-protected absence from work in the case of the birth of a child, injury, etc. with continued group health insurance coverage.
What is the Family and Medical Leave Act (1993)?
This at was later struck down by SCOTUS as unconstitutional but originally allowed states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages.
What is the Defense of Marriage Act (1996) aka DOMA?
These were the two provisions of the Taft-Hartley Act (1947).
Allowed the president to halt labor strikes and workers were not required to join unions.
What type of campaign finance regulation was targeted in the McCain-Feingold Act (2002)?
What is "soft money?"
These two legislative programs provided healthcare and a minimal level of sustenance to the elderly.
What are Medicare (1965) and the Social Social Security Act (1935)?