This agreement in 1787 established a bicameral legislature, balancing representation for both large and small states.
Great Compromise
this occurs when a president has been given a bill, does nothing, and congress adjourns their session
pocket veto
this foundational document advocates for nonviolent protest to persuade Congress to act
MLK Letter from a Birmingham Jail
this is the term used to describe the life long process to develop political attitudes and beliefs
political socialization
This supreme court case ruling claims that campaign contributions by corporations are a protected form of free speech
Citizens United
the term used to describe the financial relationship between states and the federal government
fiscal federalism
this supreme court case establishes the one person one vote precedent for the apportionment of legislative districts
Baker v Carr
Mapp vs Ohio established this due process protection using the 4th amendment
this refers to how a specific event can shape someone's political beliefs (like 9/11 or WWII)
generational effect
This term is used to describe how an interest group, congressional committee and a bureaucratic agency come together to achieve a common policy goal
iron triangle
in this supreme court case, the federal government's commerce authority was limited
this piece of legislation restricts the President's authority to commit troops overseas
War Powers Resolution
this process applies the bill of rights to the states
selective incorporation
this fiscal theory suggests that spending money now will spur economic activity and grow the economy
party members must be registered in order to participate in one of these
closed primary
this philosopher advocated for separation of powers and checks and balances
This foundational document advocated for life terms for judges along with the power of judicial review
Federalist 78
This Supreme Court case limits free speech in the event the speech presents a clear and present danger
Schenck v US
monetary policy which deals with interest rates and inflation. Who sets monetary policy?
The Federal Reserve Board
this is when the media treats campaigns as a sporting event and only focuses on the polls
horserace journalism
This foundational document was worried about too much concentrated federal power and advocated for more state's rights
Brutus 1
This amendment changed how senators were chosen from appointment by governors to direct election by citizens
prior restraint
This ideology supports an increase in taxes, higher minimum wage, stronger regulations on industries and
this is the term used to describe how a person benefits from the work of an interest group without joining the interest group
free rider