What Case ended up with the Govt creating a National bank in Maryland?
McCulloch vs Maryland
What court case established judicial review?
Marbury vs Madison
Confederation of states, with an extremely limited central government.
articles of confederation
a strong, united republic would be more effective than the individual states at controlling “factions”
federalist 10
What was the issue in the case Engel vs Vitale?
Is it constitutional for schools to hold prayers in the morning.
This 1954 Supreme Court case declared that racial segregation in public schools was unconstitutional, overturning 'separate but equal.
Brown vs Board of Education
Outline of federal gov’t structure, powers, and limits to those powers
United States Constitution
Proposes a government broken into three branches: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.
federalist 51
What Case, also known as the "Pentagon Papers" reinforced the right to Free Press?
New York times vs United States
What case upheld students right to free speech in schools?
Tinker vs Des moines Independent Community School District
an Antifederalist series of essays designed to encourage New Yorkers to reject the proposed Constitution
Brutus 1
Argues that unity in the executive branch is a main ingredient for both energy and safety. Energy arises from the proceedings of a single person, characterized by, "decision, activity, secrecy, and dispatch,"
federalist 70
What court case held that the Espionage Act was constitutional?
Schenck vs United States
What was the decision in the case Wisconsin vs Yoder?
The Supreme Court case held that requiring Amish children to attend school beyond the eighth grade violated the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment
If Gov’t does not protect the rights in this document, then the People have the duty to change/destroy
Declaration of Independence
lifetime appointments, guaranteed “during good behavior” to insure that judges can resist encroachments from the legislature (to which presumably they would be vulnerable by means of bribes or threats)
federalist 78
What amendment goes with the case gideon vs wainwright?
14th Amendment
What was the decision in Shaw vs Reno?
The case held that redistricting plans primarily based on race were unconstitutional unless they met a compelling state interest and were narrowly tailored
Segregation is used to debase one population (blacks) while uplifting another (whites), which makes it immoral in the eyes of God. Immoral laws are laws that are neither just nor fair. According to St. Augustine's logic, unjust laws aren't actually laws, so they don't have to be followed. King believes people are under a moral obligation to oppose segregation by refusing to abide by the so-called laws that govern the practice.
Letters from a Birmingham Jail
Support can be defined as a presidential salary, which insulates government officials from corruption by attracting capable, honest men to office.
federalist 70