4th Amendment
5th Amendment
6th Amendment
8th Amendment
9th Amendment

The Fourth Amendment protects against this police action. 

What is ‘unreasonable search and seizure?’


In the extensive 5th Amendment, people are protected from being deprived of their rights, specifically these three main rights.

What are rights to life, liberty, and property?


This amendment ensures that accused persons have access to a ’speedy and public trial by an impartial jury’ and access to ‘assistance of counsel.’

What is the 6th Amendment?


The 8th Amendment protects against excessive bail, excessive fines, and this form of punishment.

What is cruel and unusual punishment?


In the 9th Amendment, the Constitution states that the people hold rights beyond those already stated, showing an example of this, a vocab word.

What is a penumbra?


This type of due process requires government officials to follow correct procedure before taking away rights, as shown by the Fourth Amendment.

What is procedural due process?


People are also protected from this in the 5th Amendment, defined as providing information that could suggest your involvement in a crime.

What is self-crimination?


This Supreme Court case overturned the decision in Betts v. Brady, a case that said counsel was not required in non-capital cases.

What is Gideon v. Wainwright?


The amount of fines owed, level of punishment, and bail level are all impacted by this.

What is the type of crime committed?


The 9th Amendment protects privacy, reproductive rights, relationship rights, and these issues involving a specific license.

What are marriage issues?


The Supreme Court case Weeks v. US established this rule after Weeks’ home was entered without a warrant and the federal government convicted him of transporting lottery tickets via mail.

What is the exclusionary rule?


This Supreme Court case established a rule with the same name regarding procedural due process at the time of arrest.

What is Miranda v. Arizona?


In Gideon v. Wainwright, Gideon was charged with felony breaking and entering, but he had to charge himself because he was described as this. 

What is indigent?


Defenders of the death penalty argue that it deters people from committing violent crime, while those against the death penalty argue this.

What is that the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment?


Roe v. Wade is a 9th Amendment case from 1973, basing the legality of abortion on this framework.

What is trimester framework?


This Supreme Court Case incorporated the exclusionary rule to the states after Mapp was convicted by Ohio for owning obscene materials.

What is Mapp v. Ohio?


Because of the miranda rule, these three statements are read off to arrestees explaining their rights. Please name these statements and explain.

What is ’you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you, and you have the right to an lawyer?’


The decision in the Gideon Case incorporated this idea to the states.

What is the right to counsel? States are required to provide counsel to EVERYONE.


In this Supreme Court case, the death penalty was found to be permissible, as it did not violate the 8th Amendment.

What is Gregg v. Georgia?


The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was based on this legal theory, an interpretation of the Constitution that aims to follow original intent.

What is originalism?


In New Jersey v. TLO, the Supreme Court decided that unlike police, school officials only need this to conduct a search.

What is reasonable suspicion?


Some exceptions to the miranda rule include the routine booking exception, the undercover questioning exception, and this exception designed to keep the public safe.

What is the public safety exception?


Right to counsel has always been required in these type of cases.

What are capital cases?


Leaving the death penalty up to the states provides an example of this, a government ideology.

What is dual federalism?

This word does not appear at all in the Bill of Rights.

What is privacy?
