What was Engel vs. Vitale about?
And what amendment was it dealing with?
Mandatory Prayer and 1st Amendment establishment of religion
What is Federalist 51 about?
Separations of powers and checks and balances.
Legislative branch is seen as the most powerful since it creates laws.
What is Pork Barrel?
The use of government funds for projects designed to please voters or legislators and win votes
- Favoring a specific state, usually gets the
Candidate money or support
What is Selective Incorporation and what cases were dealing with selective incorporation?
Bill of rights extending to the states.
Mcdonald v chicago
Gideon v wainright
What are 3 purposes of the political parties?
Main goal to win elections (favored by the electoral college and the winner take all system)
Support Democracy
Bring issues to light
Adopt ideologies from minorities (usually from 3rd parties) because of the winner-take-all all system
What is Wisconsin v Yoder about?
What amendment is it about?
Amish families are being sued by Wisconsin for taking out their children after the 8th grade which is against Wisconsin law, but okay in their religion
1st amendment, freedom of religion
who wrote Federalists 70 and what does it call for?
Hamilton, single (energetic) executive branch.
What is a delegate?
Delegate: The representative votes and favors legislation his constituents favor despite his/her beliefs.
What is Keynesian Economics?
Keynesian economics prefers govt spending to stimulate the economy thru public works projects & social programs. It can causes a deficit and inflation, but it responsive.
What are the 3 types of voting behaviors?
Retrospective Voting – people vote on a candidate based on what they have done in the past because they believe the candidate will do the same in the future
Prospective Voting – people vote on a candidate based on what they promise they will do in the future.
Rational Choice Voting – people vote on a candidate based on their own self-interest.
What does selective incorporation mean? What cases applied selective incorporation?
Extending the bill of rights to the states
Gideon v Wainwright extended the 6th Amendment to all the states.
Macdonald v Chicago extended the 2nd amendment to all the states.
Who wrote Federalist 10 and what is it about?
Madison, the need to protect our liberties from the tyranny of factions. He wants a limited republican government to keep them under control.
What are 3 POTUS implied powers?
Bully pulpit. the use of media to rally support/encourage pressure.
Executive. Lawful order to get thing done.
War acts - POTUS can mobilize troops without Congress declaring war, Terrorists do not possess constitutional protections.
What are the 1st-5th amendment?
1st. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to petition, freedom of expression (protest), and freedom to assemble.
2nd. Right to bear arms
3rd. No quartering Soldiers.
4th. Protects against search and seizures
5th. Right to remain silent (protect against self-incrimination
What are two important features of a sampling poll?
It is important to have a representative sample with low error.
What was Schenck vs United States about?
Who won and why?
Schenck wrote a pamphlet asking men to resist/fight the draft arguing it was freedom of speech, but this was going against the espionage act.
United States won because Schenck was calling for action, not just exercising his right to protest.
Compared to yelling fire in a theater, bomb in an airport, or trump calling for ppl to fight for the stolen election
What is the Article V of the Constitution?
Amending the constitution 2/3 of the House and Senate or ratifying 3/4 if the states.
What composes the Iron Triangle?
Interest groups, congress, and the bureaucracy (agency)
What are the 6th-10th amendment?
6th. right to public, speedy trial, and an attorney
7th. Right to a jury
8th. protects against cruel and unusual punishment
9th.non-enumerated powers are for the people
10. reserved powers are for the state
How can people be mobilized to participate with its government?
How can you mobilize younger generation?
Political parties encourage citizens to register to vote
Create polls
Take them to vote
Contact through phone (older generations)
Through social media.
What 2 cases are regarding voting and equality?
What happened on both of them?
Baker v Carr and shaw vs Reno.
Baker v Carr did not have proper rep. for its citizens because it had not redrawn the districts in 60 years. Baker won.
Shaw v Reno drew 2 districts majority black to represent their black population. Shaw won, because its unconstitutional to draw districts based on race.
What are Articles I, II, and III
I. legislative powers, Sec. 8 Enumerated powers
II. Presidential powers and electoral college
III. Outline the Judicial Branch
What are the views of a liberal, conservative, and libertarian?
Liberal - •More social welfare, more government involvement in the economy, more business regulation, modernize legislation and rulings.
conservative - •: Less social welfare, less government involvement in the economy, less business regulation, stick to the constitution when creating legislation or rulings
Libertarian -•complete people’s freedoms.
What are the Exclusionary Rule, Establishment Clause, and the Free Exercise clause?
•Exclusionary Rule: Evidence obtained illegally (without a warrant) will be excluded in court (thrown out) (4th amendment).
•Establishment Clause: The government cannot establish an official religion (1st amendment).
•Free exercise clause: The government cannot prohibit to freely exercise any religion you believe in (1st amendment).
What is the role of the media in our elections? (3 things)
They’re the Gate Keeper: they are the ones that choose what is covered and presented to the people (CNN vs FOX)
Popularity contest: The media highlights the candidate’s positives.
Horse Race: The media reports who is ahead in the polls, might influence voters if they think a certain candidate won’t win.