Spatial Organization of Governments
Boundary Establishment and Disputes
Supranational Organizations
A stateless nation that extends over 6 states in the Middle East.
What is Kurdistan
The boundary between the United States and Canada is on the 46th line of latitude, meaning it is this kind of boundary.
What is a geometric boundary
Ratzel believed this was a life giving force to states.
What is Territory
This organization was formed to counter the threat of Soviet Eastern Europe.
What is NATO
Catalonia, Spain's impressive amount of exports in comparison to the rest of Spain produces this type of devolutionary force.
What is economic
A national economic policy that led to the accumulation of wealth through plunder, colonization, and the protection of home industries and foreign markets.
What is mercantilism
The Rio Grand, is this type of boundary marking the boarder between the United States and Mexico
What is a physical-poltical boundary.
Mackinder believed this was a key area that would lead to command of the world.
What is The Pivot Area/ Heartland.
This organization is forcused on expanding the economic growth in Europe.
What is the European Union
Scotland has this natural resource that helped the Scottish national party gain support for independence from the UK in the 1970s.
What is Oil
The Worlds systems theory, helps explain how colonial powers were able to amass great concentrations of wealth. It has a three tiered structure, the three tiers are called.
What is the core, periphery and semi-periphery.
The boundary dispute between Iraq and Kuwait over oil is know as this type of dispute.
What is Allocational
Ratzel's translated writings were drawn on to justify territorial expansionist policies for this German leader.
What is Hitler.
This organization failed after World War I in creating a worldwide organization to ensure peace.
What is the League of Nations
These voting districts are made so that certain, minority portions of the population have representation. In this process politicians will frequently try to pack a district so that a most people are from a minority.
What is Majority- Minority districts.
This African state has a federal system of government allowing Shari'a law to be present in 12 of its 36 states.
What is Nigeria
In establishing a boundary states must first do this in a treaty- like, legal document, which points to the actual points in the landscape or points of latitude or longitude are described.
What is define
After World War II this type of world order emerged, the US made up one side and the USSR, the other.
What is bipolar
This country was extended an invitation to the European Union, but its stumbling block to joining may be its relation with Greece over Cyprus.
What is Turkey
Despite the fact the Woodrow Wilson proposed the formation of this supranational organization the United States never joined.
What is the League of Nations
Their are three different types of Devolutionary forces they are.
What is Ethnocultural, Economic, and Spatial.
France has this highly centralized form of government, with their state divided up into more than 90 departments, whose representation came to Paris to express regional concerns but to implement governmental decisions back home.
What is unitary
These individuals construct ideas about places, these ideas influence and reinforce their political behaviors and policy choices, and these ideas affect how we, the people, process our own notions of places and politics.
What are intellectuals of statecraft
The Security Council's has five permanent members.
What is China, Russia, France, United States, and the UK
This state has not joined the UN because China, a member of the UN security council claims it is their territory.
What is Taiwan