Cranial Nerves
Special Senses

Name two cranial nerves responsible for movement of the tongue.

Hypoglossal Nerve (XII)

Glossopharyngeal Nerve (IX)


Name the type(s) of energy/stimuli involved in each of the special senses.

Smell – odorants (volatile chems)

Taste – tastants (dissolved chems)

Hearing – sound vibrations

Static balance – gravity

Dynamic balance – momentum

Vision – photons (light)


Name the special sense that uses photoreceptors.



Name the two motor divisions of the PNS & describe their general functions.

somatic NS - controls voluntary skeletal muscles

autonomic NS – controls involuntary smooth & cardiac muscles & glands


Identify the brain lobe(s) that contains each of the following functional areas:

Olfactory cortex

Hearing cortex

Somatosensory cortex

Gustatory cortex

Visual cortex

Olfactory cortex - Frontal lobe

Hearing cortex - Temporal lobe

Somatosensory cortex - Parietal lobe

Gustatory cortex - Insula & Parietal lobe

Visual cortex - Occipital lobe


List two functions of the Vagus Nerve.

motor function - regulate heart rate, swallowing, speech etc. (via innervation of visceral organs (heart, abdominal organs + soft palate, larynx, pharynx)

sensory function - taste via posterior 1/3 of tongue, visceral somatosensory stimuli (stretch, temperature, pain, etc.)


Name two special senses that rely on mechanically gated receptor signaling pathways.  

Balance & hearing


Name the structures noted below:

A = lens

B = cornea


Briefly describe the difference between:


hyperpolarization – K+ is moved first, turns cell off

depolarization – Na+ is moved first, turns cells on

repolarization occurs AFTER depolarization, K+ is moved second & sets up conditions for Na/K pump to reestablish RMP


Name the receptor type that would be found on the:
skeletal muscles

nicotinic receptors (always stimulated when receiving ACh)


Name the cranial nerve noted below & list its target(s) & general function(s):

Abducens Nerve (CN VI) targets the lateral rectus extrinsic eye muscles to abduct the eye, or move it to the side.


Name the structure noted below:

incus (second of the three ear ossicles)


Name and describe the functions of the two types of photoreceptors.

Cones – fine/sharp, color focus – concentrated in the fovea centralis, fewer in macula lutea

Rods – peripheral vision, sensitive in low light – few in macula lutea, concentrated in peripheral areas


Name the neurotransmitter(s) released by ALL:
somatic motor neurons
pre-ganglionic neurons

acetylcholine (ACh)


Name the sympathetic receptor type that would be found on the:
GI tract smooth muscle

sympathetic would want to inhibit GI motility, so...

beta-adrenergic receptors (recall: 'betas block')


Name the cranial nerve highlighted in blue & list its origin(s) & general function:

Optic Nerve (CN II) originates from the retina and carries sensory impulses for vision to the brain.


Name the three structures noted:

A = semicircular canals

B = vestibule

C = cochlea


Name the two types of smooth muscles of the eye & describe their unique functions.

Iris – controls light

Ciliary body – controls shape of lens for focusing


Name the neurotransmitters used to communicate with all:
A)  parasympathetic effector organs
B)  sympathetic effector organs

A)  parasympathetic – ACh

B)  sympathetic – NE/EPI


Name the sympathetic receptor type that would be found on the:
salivary glands

sympathetic would inhibit saliva production, so...

beta-adrenergic receptors (recall: 'betas block')


Name the cranial nerve noted below & list its target(s):

Oculomotor Nerve (CN III) targets the extrinsic eye muscles, eyelids & iris.


Label the structures noted:

A = foliate papillae

B = circumvallate papillae

C = fungiform papillae

filiform papillae are found all over, are small & provide friction only


Name and describe the location, function, & viscosities of the two humors of the eye.

aqueous humor – fluid anterior to lens, circulates, nourishes, cleans, determines IOP

vitreous humor – gel-like substance posterior to lens, supports retina & lens


Name the parasympathetic receptor types that would be found on the:
GI tract smooth muscle

parasympathetic would stimulate GI motility, so… 

muscarinic receptors


Name the sympathetic receptor type that would be found on the:
smooth muscle of blood vessels serving GI tract

sympathetic would want to reduce blood flow to GI via vasoconstriction, so...

alpha-adrenergic receptors (recall: 'alphas activate')


Name the cranial nerve noted below & list its targets & general function(s):

Accessory Nerve (CN XI) targets the trapezius & sternocleidomastoid muscles to move the head/neck.


Name the gelatinous “membrane” where hair cells are embedded:

dynamic equilibrium


static equilibrium

hearing = tectorial membrane

static balance = otolith membrane

dynamic balance = cupula


Name the cell types noted:

A = photoreceptors

B = bipolar cells

C = ganglion cells


Explain how beta-blocker drugs work & which types of patients would be prescribed these medications.

Beta-blocker drugs will block type 1 beta-adrenergic receptors on the heart in order to inhibit fight or flight/sympathetic effects of adrenaline (epinephrine). 

Patients with irregular heart rates (ex: A-fib), hypertension, anxiety or other conditions may be prescribed these drugs in order to keep the heart rate from getting too high when under stress.


Name the specific structure in the eye responsible for ACCOMMODATION & briefly describe its function.

The LENS allows the eye to FOCUS on things at varying distances by changing its shape.

Not to be confused with ADAPTATION, which involves how the eye adjusts to varying light levels.  It will either dilate or constrict the iris (pupil) OR it will increase or decrease the sensitivity to light via up or downregulating the photopigments in the retina. 
