A comparison of unlike things.
What is metaphor?
This is who is narrating the essay.
What is the speaker?
What is logos?
My opponent is a blue state commie bent on raising taxes.
What is Ad Hominem?
Using information from a variety of sources in creating a new argument.
What is Synthesis?
Repetition of the same structures in sentences.
What is parallelism?
This is who the essay is written for.
Who is the audience?
What is pathos?
You already have an SAT prep book, so you might as well take the SAT exam.
What is Sunk Cost?
A set of two or more premises, followed by a conclusion.
What is a Syllogism?
A phrase that seems to contradict itself.
What is paradox?
This is the attitude that comes through the essay.
What is tone?
What is ethos?
People who want to increase regulations are anti-business.
What is Straw Man?
A theory that states that opposing parties must agree where they stand on a specific point of argument.
What is Stasis Theory?
Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words.
What is alliteration?
This is the reason for writing the essay.
What is purpose?
The author of a criticism of a law states that she is a lawyer.
What is ethos?
Taylor Swift’s new album is #1 on the charts, so buy it today!
What is Bandwagon?
This is a type of logic when you draw a conclusion directly from the facts.
What is Deduction?
An unusually long and startling extended metaphor.
What is conceit?
This is the topic of the essay.
What is subject?
Using induction as evidence in an essay.
What is logos?
Miss Manners says not to use a salad fork during the main course.
What is Appeal to Authority?
This is when you observe a pattern and draw a conclusion based on experience.
What is Induction?