Visual Imagery is....
Appeals to sense of sight.
A metaphor is...
compared two things, saying it is the object being described.
A line is
a single line in a poem. May not make a complete sentence.
a story structure that presents events in chronological order, with a clear beginning, middle, and end
This part of the plot provides background information about a story's characters, setting, events, or other elements
The Exposition
Auditory Imagery...
Appeals to sense of hearing
A Direct Metaphor is
when a comparison is made between two things explicitly + is easy to detect
A Stanza is...
multiple lines in a poem.
all the plot points may be jumbled. For example, you may start at the end of the story.
What are the main aspects of characterization?
physical, emotional, psychological
Gustatory Imagery...
Appeals to sense of taste
An Extended Metaphor is...
compares 2 things - not alike over multiple lines/paragraphs/entire work
What is the difference between open and closed formed poems?
Closed form has structure it has to follow. Open form does not have to follow a structure, but can if it desires to.
We begin in the middle of the action. No introduction- thrusted right into the action!
In Media Res
What can impact perspective?
Background, environment, personality traits, and relationships
Kinesthetic Imagery...
describes the physical sensations and movements of people or objects.
An Indirect Metaphor
suggests a connection between two things w/o stating the comparison.
The Rhyme Scheme of a Shakespearian Sonnet is
abab cdcd efef gg
We begin in one story, but in that story another story is told to us.
Framed Narrative
A reference to something that exists outside of the text
Organic Imagery...
evokes a reader's emotions by describing physical experiences /feelings
what is an example of a metaphor?
Will vary.
Example: "He's a couch potato."
The Rhyme Scheme of an Italian/Petrarchan Sonnet is
abbaabba cdcdcd
through a series of letters or diary entries.
is a form of comparison that characterizes the object by assigning human traits to non human objects