Diction & Syntax
Schemes -Tropes
Diction Syntax
What is the way the author speaks What is an ordering of words
What is the running on of one line of poetry to the other
Scheme Alliteration
What is artful variation in the normal pattern of words What is the repetition of constant sounds
Direct Characterization
What is describing characters with written words
Indirect Characterization
What is describing characters through his actions
Bombast Colloquial Parallel Structure Rhetorical Question
What is Using "big" words What is using ordinary words What is using the same patterns to show equals the same What is a question with an obvious answer
Blank Verse Caesura
What is unrhymed piece of poetry What is a pause or break within a line of poetry
Ellipsis Parenthesis Trope Metaphor
What is an omission of words What is the insertion of words that interupts the normal flow What is a way to change the way a word or idea is expressed What is comparison without using like or as
Flat Character Round Character
What is no depth of character What is fully developed characters
Dynamic Character Static Character
What is a character who changes internally What is a character who stays the same
Cliche Didactic Juxtaposition Inverted Declarative
What is over used words What is overly instructuve, churchish What is placing things opposite each other What is a sentence where object and verb appear before the subject What is something that declares something
Couplet Ballad Elegy
What is two consecutive lines that rhyme What is a song or poem that tells a story What is a poem written in mourning
Simile Synecdoche Metonymy Personification Hyperbole
What is comparison using like or as What is when part of something is used to signify the whole What is a person, place, or thing is referred to by something close to it What is giving living emotions to non-living things What is extreme exaggeration
Protagonist Antagonist Internal Conflict External Conflict
What is the main character of the story What is someone who goes against the protagonist What is a conflict between the character and self What is conflict with outside things
Foil Flashback Foreshadowing
What is a character used to contrast aonther character What is a scene that interrupts the chronological order What is giving clues to future actions
Formal Interrogative Imperative
What is proper way of speaking What is statement that questions soemthing What is a command
Lyric Ode Sonnet
What is poetry that expresses strong emotions What is a lyric poem, but a long poem in dedication What is a 14 line poem
Irony Verbal Irony Situational Irony Dramatic Irony
What is using words to convey an opposite meaning What is saying something that means something else What is actions that have an effect that is opposite to what is expected What is a situation in a drama that is understood by audience but not characters in the play
Point of View First-Person Third-Person-Limited
What is looking from the vantage point What is when narractor is the person What is someone on the outside is telling the story from his thoughts
Omniscient Objective
What is knowing everything about everything What is impersonal
Slang Exclamatory Repetition
What is improper way of speaking What is statement that is about emotion What is something that repeats to draw people
Meter Internal Rhyme End Rhyme Slant Rhyme
What is a patterm of stressed and unstressed syllables What is words that rhyme within lines What is words that rhyme at the end of lines What is words that don't exactly rhyme, but are forced to
Litotes Onomatopoeia Oxymoron Paradox Pun Allusion Apostrophe
What is an affirmative expressed by a negative What is a word that imitates its sound What is two words that contradict each other What is a statement that is self-contradictory What is a play on words What is a reference What is the indication of the omission of letters
Soliloquy Suspense
What is a long speech by one person alone What is a feeling of uncertainty
Theme Tone Mood
What is a deep message What is an authors feeling What is the reader's feeling about a piece