Examples 1
Definitions 1
Examples 2
Definitions 2
Harry Potter, Katniss Everdeen, and Mulan are examples of this element.
What is protagonist?
The element in literature that stimulates pity or sorrow.
What is Pathos?
Sandy Cheeks, Flounder, and Mickey Mouse, and many other cartoon characters, well-known or not, are all examples of this.
What is personification?
The interrelationship among the events in a story; includes things like the climax, falling action, and resolution.
What is plot?
Many famous speeches are known for their use of language, style, and ability to sway an audience.
What is rhetoric?
"From the distance, I could see June," is different from, "From the distance, Sarah could see June."
What is point of view?
A version of a text put into simpler, everyday words.
What is paraphrase?
J.K. Rowling published a new set of novels under the name Robert Galbraith. Many other famous authors tend to follow suit.
What is pseudonym?
statement that seems self-contradictory, but is nevertheless true.
What is paradox?
- I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down! - I'd tell you a chemistry joke, but I know I wouldn't get a reaction. - Did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? He was lucky it was a soft drink.
What is pun?
A businessman wants others to think that he is charitable and kind. He offers lots of benefits and perks to his employees, and he ensures that his business publicly gives lots of money to charities and positive social causes, giving off the idea that he is a good man.
What is persona?
A sentence that departs from the usual word order of English sentences by expressing its main thought at the END of the sentence.
What is periodic sentence?
Well known authors, such as Tom Clancy and Steven King, are known for writing books that capture the audience.
What is pulp fiction?
A story consisting of events from which a moral or spiritual truth may be derived.
What is parable?
A depiction of people, things, and events as they really are without idealization or exaggeration for effect.
What is realism?
'COME live with me and be my Love, / And we will all the pleasures prove / That hills and valleys, dale and field, / And all the craggy mountains yield. / There will we sit upon the rocks / And see the shepherds feed their flocks, / By shallow rivers, to whose falls / Melodious birds sing madrigals. / There will I make thee beds of roses / And a thousand fragrant posies, / A cap of flowers, and a kirtle / Embroider'd all with leaves of myrtle.' /
What is pastoral?
An episodic novel about a rogue-like wanderer who lives off his wits.
What is picaresque novel?
"He gives his harness bells a shake / To ask if there’s some mistake. / The only other sound’s the sweep / Of easy wind and downy flake."
What is quatrain?
Faulty reasoning that inappropriately ascribes human feelings to nature or nonhuman objects.
What is pathetic fallacy?
A work of literature dealing with rural life.
What is pastoral?
Because they are independent, take care of themselves, and purr, I prefer cats over dogs.
What is periodic sentence?
A verse with five poetic feet per line.
What is pentameter?
Don Quixote by Cervantes, and the Red and the Black by Stendhal.
What is picaresque novel?
Novels written for mass consumption, often emphasizing exciting and titillating points.
What is pulp fiction?
“But when the melancholy fit shall fall / Sudden from heaven like a weeping cloud / That fosters the droop-headed flowers all / And hides the green hills in an April shroud”
What is pathetic fallacy?