Elements of Fiction
The Falling action; resolution; means "all lose ends are tied up"--French term for "untying the knot."
What is Denouement
The voice used by the author to tell the story---may or may not be the actual author. In poetry it is "speaker" but in prose it is this
What is Persona
Any pattern of rhymes in poetry. Each new sound is assigned the next letter in the alphabet.
What is rhyme scheme
The most intense use of a central consciousness in narration. This technique takes a reader inside a character's mind to reveal perceptions, thoughts, and feelings on a conscious or unconscious level. This technique suggests the flow of thought as well as its content; hence, complete sentences may give way to fragments as the character's mind makes rapid associations free of conventional logic or transitions. James Joyce. Virginia Wolfe. Jack Keroack
What is stream of consciousness
The names and ages of Bondurant's daughters
What is Alanna, 20 and Josie, 12
All knowing and describes the inner thoughts of all characters. Don't get confused with similar word for all powerful
What is Omniscient narrator
A person, place, thing, or event that represents or stands for something else---often it is abstract so this provides concrete structure for what it represents.
What is symbol
Harsh sounds introduced for poetic effect - sometimes words that are difficult to pronounce.
What is cacaphony
A type of fixed form poetry consisting of thirty-six lines of any length divided into six sestets and a three-line concluding stanza called an envoy. The six words at the end of the first sestet's lines must also appear at the ends of the other five sestets, in varying order. These six words must also appear in the envoy, where they often resonate important themes
What is sestina
The other thing AP can mean (tongue in cheek)
What is Answer the Prompt
NOT the feelings evoked by the text OR the atmosphere of the text...INSTEAD IT IS the attitude of the author--shown through style, diction, setting, etc.
What is TONE
A novel or short story that represents development from childhood to adulthood.
What is Bildungsroman
15 line poems. aba. Repeats 1 and 3 line throughout. French farmers created these.
What is villanelle
The overlapping or mixing of opposite or different situations, characters, settings, moods, or points of view in order to clarify meaning, purpose, or character, or to heighten certain moods, especially humour, horror, and suspense
What is Juxtaposition
The protagonist in Hunger Games
What is Katniss
In the middle of things
What is In Media Res
When an author intentionally suggests more than one--often contradictory--interpretations for a situation (Unintentionally--it is called vague---but with intention, it is this.)
What is ambiguity.
A direct or indirect reference to a familiar figure, place or event from history, literature, mythology or the Bible.
What is allusion
A protagonist who has the opposite of most of the traditional attributes of a hero. He or she may be bewildered, ineffectual, deluded, or merely pathetic. Often what antiheroes learn, if they learn anything at all, is that the world isolates them in an existence devoid of God and absolute values.
What is antihero
An AP score that is persuasive, uses apt examples, sophisticated language, goes into depth of perspective, and is insightful...usually uses strong, academic diction and has breadth and depth.
What is a 9!
The five main parts of plot
What is exposition, rising action, climax (turning point), falling action, resolution OR denoument OR conclusion
Conflict is resolved through means unrelated to the story--a god, leader, fairy godmother, etc. steps in without warning to solve everything
What is deus ex machina
Refers to something by its characteristics.
What is metonymy
A statement that initially appears to be contradictory but then, on closer inspection, turns out to make sense
What is paradox
How many days do we have off for break?
What is 17