What is the MAJOR key signature name that contains 1 FLAT?
F Major
What is a WHOLE STEP above G?
What is the top number of a SIMPLE DUPLE time signature?
What is the pattern for finding a MAJOR SCALE? (W and H)
The treble clef is also known as the ______?
G clef
What is the MAJOR key signature name that contains 1 SHARP?
G Major
What is a WHOLE STEP above B?
What is the top number of a SIMPLE QUADRUPLE time signature?
What scale degrees of a MAJOR SCALE make up a major pentatonic scale?
1 2 3 5 6
The bass clef is also known as the ______?
F clef
What is the MAJOR key signature name that contains 3 FLATS?
Eb Major
Start on G and go DOWN a half step and then UP a whole step. Where are you?
What is the BEAT UNIT of a simple time signature when the bottom number is a 4?
Quarter Note
Which tone is incorrect in the following MAJOR SCALE?G A B C D E F G
F --> F#
The tenor and alto clefs are also known as ____ clefs?
C clefs
What is the MAJOR key signature name that contains 5 SHARPS?
B Major
Start on Bb and go DOWN a half step and then UP a whole step. Where are you?
What is the BEAT UNIT of a simple time signature when the bottom number is a2?
Half Note
Which tone is incorrect in the following MAJOR SCALE?Bb C D Eb F G Ab Bb
Ab --> A
The ___________ is created when you combine the treble and bass clefs?
Grand Staff
What is the MAJOR key signature name that contains 7 FLATS?
Cb Major
Start on D and go DOWN 3 half steps and then UP a whole step. Where are you?
What is the BEAT UNIT of a simple me signature when the bottom number is a 16?
Sixteenth Note
Which tone is incorrect in the following MAJOR SCALE?E F# G# A B C D# E
C --> C#
These are used to EXTEND the staff (above and below)?
Ledger Lines