This is the Relative Major key to C minor
What is Eb Major?
This is a NCT occurs when the passing tone is not part of the chord and occurs on the beat.
What is an accented passing tone?
The V chord in G major serves as this in C major.
What is V/V?
This chord functions as a secondary leading tone to V in C major.
What is vii°7/V?
The interval between C and G.
What is a perfect fifth?
This is the Relative Minor key to C Major.
What is a minor?
This NCT moves from one pitch to another one step above or below and then returns to the original pitch.
What is a neighbor tone?
This is the V/IV in C Major
What is C?
A fully diminished secondary leading tone chord has this many half steps between the root and third.
What is three?
The number of sharps in E major.
What is four?
This is the Relative Major key to a minor.
What is C Major?
This NCT leaps up and resolves down by step.
What is an appoggiatura?
This is the V/V in D Major
What is E Major.
The resolution of vii°7/vi in C major.
What is vi?
The term for the distance between two pitches.
What is an interval?
This is the Relative minor key to G Major.
What is e minor?
This NCT is approached by step and moves away in the opposite direction by a leap?
What is an Escape Tone?
What is G Major?
Secondary leading tone chords resolve to this kind of chord.
What is a major or minor triad?
The chord built on the seventh scale degree in major
What is a diminished triad?
This is the Relative Major key to Eb minor?
What is Gb Major?
This NCT is held over from the preparation chord and resolves down by step to the chord tone.
What is a suspension?
This is the V7/iv in e minor
What is e minor?
This is the vii°7/vi in Bb major.
What is f#dim7
The solfege syllables for a major triad.
What are do, mi, sol?