Work and Energy

is the difference between an object’s final position and its starting position

What is displacement


A ball of mass m is found to have a weight Wx on Planet X. Which of the following is a corrcet expression for the gravitional field strength of Planet X.

A) The gravitional field strength of Planet X is mg

B) The gravitional field strength of Planet X is Wx/m

C) The gravitional field strength of Planet X is 9.8N/kg                        

B) The gravitional field strength of Planet X is Wx/m


A ball is rolling across a flat table with a constant velocity and has a kinetic energy of 550 J.  The ball has a mass of 1.3 kg.  Calculate the velocity of the ball.

v=29.09 m/s


What is the equation for momentum?



What creates the restoring force in a pendulum?

center of gravity and tenison


A ball rolling at 4.0m/s accelerates uniformly down a hill at 5.5m/s2 for 6.0 seconds. What is the final velocity?

v = 37 m/s


A cart intial at rest  gets pushed into a 10mph head wind with a force of 1000N until is slams into a wall and comes to a complete stop. Draw a free body diagram to represent all forces acting on the cart.

(Answers on the board)


What is an open system?closed system?

Closed system - No outside (external) forces act on the system. Total energy is conserved. No outside work is done on the system

Open system - There are outside (external) forces. Total energy is not conserved. Work is exerted onto the system.


A cart is rolling on a frictionless surface.As rain falls in to the cart what happens to the speed of the cart?

A) It speed ups 

B) Remains the same

C) Stops immediately 

D) Slows down



A simple pendulum is used to determine the acceleration due to gravity at the surface of a planet. The pendulum has a length of 2m and its period is meausred to eb 2s, The value of g obtained in this investigetion is most nearly

A)2 m/s2

B) 10 m/s2

C) 20 m/s2

D)5 m/s2



A truck traveling at 90 m/s approaches a red light and comes to a stop over 11 seconds. What is the acceleration of the bus during this interval? Round your answer to the nearest tenth place.



An hockey puck with a mass of 85kg is skidding to a stop. If it is experenicing a fractional force of 20N, what is the coefficient of friction between the object and the surface? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth place.



A 2 kg arrow is pulled back 0.5 m in a bow and shot into the air. It reaches a height of 17 m before it falls back down. What is the spring constant of the bow?



A small car and a Large Truck collied head to head and stick together. Which one has the largest MOMENTUM change?

A) The car

B) The truck

C) The both have the same change

D) more infomation is need



A weight lifter lifts a mass m at constant speed to a height h in time t. What is the average power output of  ther weight lifter?

A) mg

B) mgh 

C) mght

D) mgh/t



 A cart, initially at rest, accelerates at a rate of +3.0 m/s2 for 8.0s.

a.     How fast is the cart traveling after 8.0 s?

b.     How far has the cart traveled?

(a) v=24 m/s

(b) x=96 m


 You decide to pull a heavy box of books across the floor using a spring. When you get the box moving at a constant velocity, the spring is stretched 0.10 m past its relaxed length. If the box has a mass of 35 kg and if the coefficient of friction between the box and the floor is 0.43, what is the spring constant of the spring? Assume that you pull the spring parallel to the floor.

k = 1505 N/m or k = 1500 N/m


A 1 kg object slides down a 2 m long ramp from a height of 0.5 m. You measure its velocity at the bottom to be 2.5 m/s. What was the force of friction acting on the object?

0.94 N


Two 1000 kg cars both crash and come to a stop.Each was intitially moving at 20m/s. Blue car takes 0.5 seconds to stop. Green car takes 1.5 seconds to stop. How much force does each car experience?

Blue Car= -40,000N

Green Car= -13,333 N


The wheels on a car has an rotataional inertia of 2.0 kg.m2. As the instant the wheel has a counterclockwise angular velocity of 6.0 rad/s, an average counterclockwise torque of 5N.m is applied, and contines for 4s. What is the change in angular  momentum of the wheel?



A projectile is launched with an initial velocity of 34 m/s at an initial angle of 57 degrees and landed 107.6m away from it intial starting point. Calculate the projectile’s initial velocity components vx and vy. Calculate the total time the projectile is in the air. Calculate how far the projectile lands from its launch location.

(a) vxo=18.5m/s

(b) vyo=28.5m/s




An 18 kg object is placed on an inclined plane with a 70 degree angle with the horizontal. Assuming no friction, what is the object's acceleration? 

a = 9.4 m/s2


A 60 kg person falls from the roof of their 10 m tall house onto a trampoline. The trampoline stretches 0.8 m. What is the spring constant of the trampoline?

18750 N/m


A 70kg women and her 35kg son are standing at rest on an ice rink. They pushed against each other for a time of 0.60 s, causing them them glide apart. The speed of the women immdendiately after they seprate is 0.55m/s. Calculate the initial speed of the son after the push. (Assuming friction is neglible during the push)



A platform of mass 2kg is supported by a spring of negligible mass. The perform oscillates with a period od 3s when the platform is psuhed down and released. What must be the mass if a block that when placed on the perform doubles the period of oscillation to 6s?

M=6 kg
