Rotational Motion
Circular Motion/Simple Harmonic Motion
This is the acceleration at the very top point on the path of a projectile.
What is 9.8 m/s/s?

This is the Newton's 3rd law pair for the weight of an object on Earth.

What is the force the object is pulling on the Earth?

This is the rotational version of mass.
What is moment of inertia?

Examples of Mechanical Energy.

What is translational kinetic energy, rotational kinetic energy, potential energy due to gravity, spring potential energy?


The direction the centripetal force points when an object moves in a circle.

What is towards the center?

This is the distance that a ball released from rest will fall during the 2nd second if it traveled distance H during the first second.
What is 3H?

This is the direction that kinetic friction acts on an object.

What is opposite of the motion?


The force causing a torque when an object is rolling without slipping.

What is static friction?


This is the name we give for the change in momentum.

What is impulse?


The period of a pendulum on earth compared to the period of the same pendulum on the moon.

What is the period would increase?

This is the value that can be found from the area under a velocity-time graph.
What is displacement?

Describe the motion of an object when zero net force is acting upon it.

What is at rest and stays at rest or moving at a constant velocity?

This is what must be true for an object to be in rotational equilibrium.
What is net torque equals zero?
What is the velocity of the center of mass for a system initially at rest that explodes?

What is zero m/s?


The point(s) in simple harmonic motion where the velocity is at a maximum.

What is equilibrium?


An elephant and mouse are pushed off of a cliff, which will hit the ground first?

What is neither, they will hit at the same time?

This is the normal force on a 10 kg object that rests on an incline that makes a 25 degree angle with the horizontal.
What is 90.6 N?

A ball rolls off of a table and free falls to the ground.  What happens to the rotational energy while in free fall?

What is it stays constant?

A 5 kg loaded rifle is initially held at rest and then fired. The 0.05 kg bullet leaves the barrel at 450 m/s. This is the final momentum of the bullet-gun system.
What is zero?

An object undergoing uniform circular motion doubles in its velocity.  By what factor must the centripetal force increase in order for the object to stay in circular motion?

What is four times larger?

This is how long it will take a 5 kg object to hit the ground if dropped from rest at a height of 12.5 m. You can ignore air resistance.
What is 1.60 seconds?

This is the derivation for acceleration of two masses (m and 2m) attached by a string that is hung over a pulley.  Derive in terms of g.

What is a = g/3?

If a box, ball, and thin hoop with the same size and mass are released down a frictionless ramp, THIS is the object that will reach the bottom first.

What is a three way tie?


Arrows have been shot from the top of a building.  Arrow 1 has been shot from the top of a building either up at a 45 degree angle, arrow 2 has been shot straight out horizontally, and arrow 3 has been shot down at a 45 degree angle.  All arrows are identical and are shot at the same speed.  Rank the speed of the arrows just before they hit the ground.  

What is all arrows will hit the ground at the same speed?


Why will a pendulum fail to swing on the international space station?

The pendulum is in free fall. There is no restoring force to cause simple harmonic motion.
