Circular Motion
Energy and Work
Momentum and Impulse

An bowling ball and an apple are dropped from the same height which will hit the ground first

They hit the ground at the same time


An object that has a mass of 10 kg is accelerated at 5m/s^2 what force does it have

50 N


Centripetal Acceleration for an object always points towards the...

center of the object


An object with a mass of 30 kg sits on top of a building 20 meters high how much potential energy does it have

PE = 5,886 J


A large truck and a small car are both driving at 90 km/h which one has more momentum

The large truck


An object falls from a height for 5 seconds at what velocity will it hit the ground

49.05 m/s


What are Newton's 3 Laws

1. Law of inertia, An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an outside force

2. F=ma

3. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction


A car with a mass of 100-kg is racing on a flat track at 22 m/s around a curve with a 56 meter radius. Find the car’s centripetal acceleration.

a = 8.59 m/s^2


A spring hangs at rest from a support. If you suspend a 4 kg mass from the spring it elongates by 0.85m. Determine the spring constant.

k = 46.08 N/m


A If a 50-kg box is sliding on a frictionless surface with a certain velocity, and 10 pigeons land on it what happens to the velocity of the box?

a) Increases                   b) decreases

c) stays the same           d) Impossible to tell



An object is launched off a cliff horizontally 30 meters above the ground at a velocity of 20 m/s how far away from the cliff will it land.

49.5 m


A boy having a mass of 75 kg holds in his hands a bag of flour weighing 40N. With what force does the floor push up on his feet?

776.75 N


An astronaut goes out for a "space walk" at a distance above Earth's surface equal to the radius of Earth. What is her acceleration due to gravity?

A) zero                B) g        C) g/2           D) g/4



A 10 kg is object dropped from a plane that was 1000 m high. What is the potential energy and kinetic energy when it is at a height of 400 m and the velocity

PE = 39240 J

KE = 58860 J

V = 108 m/s


A 5500-kg freight truck accelerates from 4.2 m/s to 7.8 m/s in 15 seconds by the application of a constant force. (A) What Impulse is experienced? (B) How large of a force is exerted?

A) 19800 Ns

B) 1320 N


A lacrosse player slings the ball at an angle of 30 degrees above the horizontal with a speed of 20 m/s A) determine the time of flight B) The range of the ball and C) The maximum height

The time of flight is 2.04 seconds.

the range of the ball is 34.9 meters.

the maximum height reached by the ball is 5.1 meters


When you weigh yourself on the ground, your mass is 73 kg. In an elevator your apparent weight is 644 N. What is the direction and magnitude of the elevator’s acceleration?

The magnitude of the elevator's acceleration is 0.974 m/s², and its direction is downwards.


In one hand you hold a 3 kg apple, in the other hand a 2 kg orange. The apple and orange are separated by 0.75 m. What is the magnitude of the acceleration of gravity that (A) the orange exerts on the apple? (B) The apple exerts on the orange?

F = 5.34 x 10^-8 N


A student pulls on a cart and applies a 20N force at angle of 25 degreees above the horizontal to move a crate a distance of 10m across a rough floor that creates a frictional force of 2N. (A) How much work does the student do? (B) What is the total work done?

The student does 137.27 J of work.

Total work done = 137.27 J - 20 J = 117.27 J  


A 0.25–kg volleyball approaches Tina with a velocity of 4.5 m/s. Tina bumps the ball, giving it a speed of 2.5 m/s but in the opposite direction. What average force did she apply if the interaction time between her hands and the ball was 0.01 s?

F = 175 N
