According to Freud, this component of one's mind operates on the reality principle.
What is the ego?
😱 at the same time as increased 💦🩸 describes this theory of emotion.
What is Cannon-Bard?
This anxiety-related disorder describes fears backed by avoidance behaviours, and can be addressed by this type of behaviour therapy.
What are phobias and systematic desensitization (exposure therapy)?
This man's experiments showed how a normal person can conduct a harmful act toward someone else if asked to.
This is the O in the Big 5 Traits.
"Your mom" jokes seem to stem from this concept coined by Freud, who suggested that young men are obsessed with their mothers.
What is the Oedipus Complex?
😱 bypassing 🧠(amygdala) describes this theory of emotion.
This disorder describes an impacted/lowered mood/affect and decreased pleasure in activities, which can be addressed by what type of psychotherapy?
More people around but less help being given to someone in need describes this phenomenon.
What is the bystander effect or social loafing?
This category of theory would validate the idea of introverts or extraverts.
What are trait theories?
Rorschach inkblot, thematic apperception are examples of this type of test to assess one's unconscious mind.
What are projective tests?
If I didn't give you 🍔🌭🌮 for 5 hours, you'd be really hungry. This theory explains why you are motivated to eat.
This disorder stems from addressing obsessive thoughts with compulsive actions, and can be addressed with this humanistic therapy that focuses on holistic integration of feelings, actions, and thoughts.
What are OCD and Gestalt therapy?
You asking your mom for $100 (to which she says no) then asking for $20 (to which she says yes) describes this social psychology strategy.
What is door-in-the-face?
This concept related to humanistic personality theories focuses on the idea that people should always give others the benefit of the doubt and love them regardless of what they do.
What is unconditional positive regard?
These realms of thinking/fields stemmed from Freud's Psychoanalytic theories, represented by the likes of Carl Jung and Alfred Adler.
What are contemporary psychodynamic theorists?
According to research, crossing 🌉 high up can make someone feel more in love 😍 This principle related to Schacter-Singer's theory could explain why.
What is the spillover effect?
This disorder describes cycling between manic and depressive episodes and can be targeted by this metallic pharmacological treatment.
What are bipolar disorder and lithium?
One can combat prejudice by placing opposing groups in the same situation to accomplish this--a mutually beneficial mission.
Superordinate goal
This concept discusses how one's actions impacts their environment and attitudes.
What is reciprocal determinism?
Projection is a type of defense mechanism. Name 3 others.
Reaction formation,
😩😫 might be how you're feeling about this PSYC exam. These three stages of Selye's general adaptation syndrome describe how you would deal with this stress.
What are alarm, resistance, exhaustion?
This disorder describes a physical/visceral feeling of pain/discomfort when there is no obvious physical source for that pain/discomfort.
What is somatic symptom disorder?
Commenting a nasty comment on your enemy's social media post under your finsta (fake instagram account) is a good example of this.
What is deindividuation?
Taylor Swift once said "it's me, hi im the problem it's me", which describes this type of disposition.
Internal locus of control