Lady Cuts you in Line ---> "Who does she think she is? I bet she always cuts people." --> Unfavorable reaction
What does this best example?
Dispositional Attribution
Variables increase/decrease together, What is this describing?
Positive Correlation
Parts of the neauron: Branching extensions at the cell body; It receives messages from other neurons, What is this describing?
The process of converting physical stimuli from the environment and convert it into neuro signals is what process?
An unlearned, involuntary response that is not under person's control or choice is what?
Someone tends to blame the person for a bad thing rather than the situation is the best example of?
Fundamental Attribution Error
Results not due to change (Ex. Manipulation caused difference in means), What is this describing?
Statistical Significance
Parts of the neuron: Long single extension of neuron, covered with myelin sheath to insulate and speed up messages through neurons. What is this describing?
selecting, organizing, and interpreting sensations is the process of?
A stimulus that naturally provokes a reflexive response is an example of what?
Unconditioned Stimulus
The belief and feeling that predisposes one to respond in a particular way to objects, people and events is the best example of?
A subject/subjects must be informed of the true purpose of the study after the experiment is performed, What is this describing?
When the cells become excited, it triggers, which reverses the charge and causes the electrical signal to race along the axon, What is this describing?
Action Potential
Analysis of the stimulus begins with sense receptors and works up to the level of the brain and mind, What is this describing?
Bottom-Up Processing
The diminishing or lessoning of a learned response is an example of what?
Asking someone for something small then slowly have the request get larger and larger is the best example of what?
Neither the subject or experimenter are aware of which condition people are assigned to (Ex. Drug Studies), What is this an example of?
The junction between the axon terminal of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron. What is this describing?
Minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50% of the time, What is this describing?
Absolute threshold
Responding the stimulus that is only similar to the original conditioned stimulus with the conditioned response is what?
Stimulus Generalization
Influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid rejection from the community is the best example of what?
Normative Social Influence
A belief or correlation that does not exist (Ex. Superstitions), What is this describing?
Illusory Correlation
The sensory-motor neurons that connect the Central Nervous System to the rest of the body. What is this Describing?
Peripheral Nervus System
The ability to focus a person's listening attention on a single talker while other conversations and background noises are happening around them, What is this describing?
Cocktail party effect
You snuck out to a party last night and came home at around 3 in the morning. Your parent's security cameras caught you sneaking back in and they took your car keys for a month. This is an example of what?
Negative Punishment